Breakfast | Teen Ink


May 16, 2017
By kathleentemplet BRONZE, New Orleans , Louisiana
kathleentemplet BRONZE, New Orleans , Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wake up to the sound of pots banging. It smells like beacon, eggs, and sausage. It smells so good I can taste it. I go downstairs to see if someone is making breakfast and when I walk into the kitchen I step on something. I hear it crack and then it feels like slime. I look down to see what I stepped on, and it is an egg. My mother starts screaming at me to hurry and pick it up. I bend down to pick the egg up, and it starts running down my hands onto the floor. I start running to the sink, when I slip on water and splatter the egg all over the cabinets. I go to get some paper towels, and there are no more. I run to the closet, where the extra paper towels are stored, to get some more. I start to clean up the mess of the egg and the water on the floor, when the doorbell rings. My mom walks to go see who is at the door, when I smell something burning. I turn around to see the bacon burning on the stove. I pick up the pot, to put in the sink, but I burn myself. I drop the pot down, and the beacon grease splashes all over me. I call to my mom to come help me when all of a sudden my dog runs in. He starts licking the egg and the water off of the floor. My mom comes running in, and when she gets to the kitchen, she looks at me, and she starts laughing. She comes over to me, starts wiping the grease off my face and arms, and then I wipe the egg of the cabinets. Since the egg, water, and grease are now cleaned up; I grab two plates from the cabinet and start serving my mom and me breakfast.

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