A Pleasant Suprise | Teen Ink

A Pleasant Suprise

April 20, 2017
By claudiatrosclair BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
claudiatrosclair BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I sat bored in my school desk, I thought up an amazing idea. I imagined what it would be like to own a pet. My new pet and I would have so much fun hanging out and going on walks in the park. However, my dream got cut short when I remembered my mother telling me, “I never want to own another pet.” But yet, after thinking about it, I decided to surprise her with a new pet anyway! I thought to myself, “how could my mom reject a precious animal?” I began to think up a scheme where I could sneakily adopt a pet. With low funds, I began my quest for the perfect pet on the internet. I began searching for a loving dog that I could take home. However, after searching and searching, I could not find a dog for under fifty dollars. Who would have thought dogs would be so expensive? So, I thought up an alternate plan for my pet ownership: buying a cat. I figured that cats are easier to take care of and are less expensive. Instead of looking on the internet, I went to Petco after school to look at cats. As I happily walked into Petco, the feeling of pet ownership hit me. I noticed all the things I would have to buy for a new pet and it made me a bit nervous. However, once I looked at the adorable cats stuck in such a small cage, I knew that I had to adopt one. I paid twenty-five dollars and picked Sabrina, the prettiest cat I could find. She had shiny black and white hair that almost resembled a tuxedo and she seemed calm. That was until the workers had to put her in a box to go home. Sabrina’s screeches and scratches from her cardboard box could be heard from miles away. I was terrified as I drove her home, thinking she would be an evil cat. When I got home, I showed my mom our new “surprise,” and boy, was she surprised! Before she could even see what the cat looked like, Sabrina shot out the box and hid under the sofa. My mom was shocked that I bought a cat, nonetheless, she could not do anything about it! The cat hid for four days straight so no one could see her. It was almost like the cat never existed. Once Sabrina finally came out, my mother accepted our new family pet more than I thought she would. The cat might be my mom’s favorite in the house now.  It took a few months but Sabrina is comfortable in our home. Sabrina was the best idea I have ever had.

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