A Teacher Is a Hero in Disguise | Teen Ink

A Teacher Is a Hero in Disguise

April 13, 2017
By Anonymous

A teacher is a hero in disguise. I always say this to the teachers who have not just helped me inside the walls of school, but outside of them. They show that they care for you and they show you your worth when the world seems to knock you down. One of my teachers who not only saved me as a hero would do in those ways, but she saved me when I was having a low blood sugar. I am a type one diabetic and in the 13 plus years I have had it, it has never dropped so low in school. This frightened me but I was sure to stay somewhat calm. My english teacher helped me and comforted me throughout the process. She had given me some of her food and treats to help me when everything else just didn’t work. She was on top of the situation and I was super grateful that she was there to help me. Little did she know that those simple selfless acts saved me from having a near death experience. My teacher does many simple acts that she may not notice have an impact on people like me. She smiles and greets me, talks to me, and is always kind. My teacher doesn’t know how awesome she is and I think that is one of the best things about her. I respect, look up to, and love my teacher. She’s the best!

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