What? | Teen Ink


February 8, 2017
By Arky.x BRONZE, East Hampton , New York
Arky.x BRONZE, East Hampton , New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“What?” That's all I can say at this point. When people repeat themselves, they raise their voice at me. Ear piercing to them, a faint soft whisper to me. The clerk reads off my balance owed. I hardly ever hear it. I started to adapt to looking at the screen by the cash register. Or if there's a self check out, I would do it myself. The screen that displays your balance is quite useless to most people. But for me, it's better than the invention of television. Everyday I faintly hear “speak up, stop being so shy.” But I'm not shy. Its my daily struggle of not being able to hear myself. All I hear is faint murmuring. When I think i'm talking loud enough. Im piercing everyone's ears around me. People don't realize how fortunate they are until they lose something. I always wish for the day that I would be able to hear the true sounds of things instead of hearing it through an inaccurate speaker that amplifies everything. But, when bones move apart, they won't go back without help of a  surgeon of some sort. Sadly. One day my ability of hearing will comeback.

When I'm home with my little brother and he's in a different room making a mess, I never hear it. So when my mom arrives home from work, I'm the one to get in trouble. Not the one making the mess. But me helplessly  not being able to do anything about the mess he was making. Only if I was able to hear him making a mess. It would make things so much easier for me  and her. But I have quite the wait until that day comes.

Fun fact: about 2 to 3 out of every 1,000 children in the United States are born with hearing loss in one or both ears. I had a low chance of getting  hearing loss when I was born but I guess I was unlucky. One day, I won't have to say “what” as much as I do now. But I have quite the wait until that day comes. The recommended age is twenty or older. Too bad I’m not old enough. 

The author's comments:

My personal experience brings you through my daily struggles. It tells the reader all about my hearing experience. 

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