Learning Something New | Teen Ink

Learning Something New

January 18, 2017
By Shyanne.Kayee SILVER, Decatur, Illinois
Shyanne.Kayee SILVER, Decatur, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Learning something new was always scary as a child. You don't know what you're doing and you're so new to everything things become irritating that everyone else knows how to do it but you just can't get the hang of it.
One of my best memories I remember learning how to do was learning how to swim. I was already so little learning how to swim seemed impossible because I couldn't even touch the bottom. It took a lot out of me to finally get going to swim.

We had a pool when I had parents with Me we would go change into my swimming suit and grab my towel and sunscreen and race my brother to the pool. I always stood at the latter waiting for my mom to get in first. After, she got in I would join her then my brother followed. My mother would first grab me and she would sit me on her arms while I learned how to move my arms to swim. Then after I learned how to place my arms she told me to kick my legs for awhile. Finally, I got used to the concept and put the two together to finally swim. We kept practicing for a few days. I always felt nervous that something was gonna happen, but the comfort of knowing my family was right there I became at ease.

When I finally got used to the concept of swimming and I finally could swim across the pool without anyone helping me.I felt overwhelmed with excitement.  I never thought that learning how to swim was so important. It not only gave me the courage and the strength physically, it helped me earn my 1st job. Over the summer I became a certified lifeguard at Fairview. It wasn't an easy task at 1st but all my practice and persistence helped me become the young little lifeguard I am.

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