Epic Adventure | Teen Ink

Epic Adventure

January 16, 2017
By salenanguyen BRONZE, Auburn, New York
salenanguyen BRONZE, Auburn, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Most epic adventures don’t start out with an application and an insurance waiver. An escape from reality is a want many people desire at one point in their life. Personally, I have been waiting for this escape for years. I want to leave the burden of all responsibilities in the rear view mirror and never turn back. This overwhelming sensation of seeking adventure is thrilling to me. I want to see the world one day at a time. Frankly, sitting in a classroom is just not cutting it for me. Who wants to waste their time on an overly priced education? You’re not young and ambitious forever, so you might as well take advantage of this time. The most epic adventures are the spontaneous ones with little planning. This is exactly what people love about adventure because they don’t know where it will take them. The best moments in life occur when you’re not expecting it. Also, is it even an adventure if you don’t take risks once in awhile? Life itself is a risk, so there’s no better way to showcase than a unique adventure. Sometimes people get that urge to pack everything up and leave when things get too tough. That escape from reality is the perfect cure to all troubles. Unfortunately, it’s easier said than done to leave everything behind. We all have responsibilities that are nearly impossible to forget about. We’re all dreamers seeking a bit of adventure to spice up our dull lives. However, until I get the courage to find my epic adventure out there, I will remain a dreamer and find adventure in my dull life.

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