Nature | Teen Ink


January 9, 2017
By Cole_Rossman10 BRONZE, Park Rapids, Minnesota
Cole_Rossman10 BRONZE, Park Rapids, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is a grind.

I arrive at Brush Lake school forest, instantly I spot two separate trails leading into the woods. I was told to choose a path to get to the destination, Brush Lake. I chose the trail on the right, along with half of my class. The first thing that catches my eye is the vibrant leaves. They’re starting to change color as fall has arrived. Yellow, orange and green leaves dangle off the trees ever so brightly. This winding trail took me on a journey that I did not expect.

With only two trails to choose from, I decided to take the right path instead of the left. Not knowing what each trail would bring or what might’ve happened, I made my decision. Just like in life I will have to take paths along the way, without knowing the outcome. Maybe I chose this path because I just followed the group, which means less decision making for an individual. I don't know what the other trail may have provided for me. It may have been more exciting, beautiful, or interesting, but I will never know. I will soon have to take my own path after I graduate. I can be whatever I desire, so I can choose the career path that I want to do. Whatever I’ll end up doing, I will wonder what it would be like if I chose a different path. That’s what makes life so interesting, not knowing what's ahead and what could have happened if you decided to do something differently in that moment.

As I am following the path I decided to take, I found myself not paying much attention to the surrounding nature. I found myself to be talking more to my friends than taking in my surroundings. Sure I see the trees all over, leaves on the ground, and the occasional squirrel jumping from tree to tree. But I am not soaking up the natural beauty around me as I should be doing. The first thing I notice is a dock that goes through a swamp just off of the main trail. I decide to walk on it as grass has overgrown through the dock, making it look like it’s been captured by nature and made a part of it. This was cool as the dock makes an L turn and brings me back to the main trail. After that, we decided to veer off the main trail and go on another along the way. But I still find myself continuing to talk to friends rather than absorb the forest as we get back on the main trail. Only if I knew what’s ahead of me.

Sometimes in life we veer off from what we’re doing. It could be a life goal and you veer away. You have to remember what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. I indeed have veered off from goals, but I remember why I am doing it, which motivates me to get back on track.

I begin to wonder when we'll arrive to the lake, as we have been walking for some time. All of a sudden, I see the lake through the oak trees that stand in my way. I found a little deer trail to follow to get close to the lake. When I finally saw the lake, I sat there in awe. After all the goofing around and horseplay, I finally let myself see the beauty this place has to offer. I find a place to sit next to an oak tree and write about what I saw at Brush Lake.
The lake is bigger than what I anticipated, with a significant amount of vegetation surrounding it. The pencil reeds dance in the wind. Many big beautiful trees surround the lake with their vivid leaves covering them. The lake reflects them like a mirror. Green grass and fallen leaves surround me as they blanket the ground. I lean against the tree and look out into the lake and get lost in its beauty. The sun glared down at me from the sky, warming my skin up to a comfortable temperature. At this point, I am taking in the beauty and becoming more relaxed as I do so. I become more aware of my surroundings, fallen trees, chickadee birds, the leaves as they float in the breeze and gently land on the lake.

Sometimes I wish I was as light as air, and let the wind take me where it blows.

After I went off from the herd of people I can now actually pick out the little details. The tearing bark on the birch trees, acorns covering the ground, along with the ripples on the lake from the soft breeze. I learned that choosing your own path is the more practical way to go. Making my own choice to break off from the group and the path they were on paid off tremendously. Always be the person you’re and follow your own paths in life, rather than going with the large group. You don’t get the full experience if you don’t go on your own paths. This was a lesson I learned, going on my own path lead to a more meaningful nature experience.

After a while, I decide to pick up a leaf off the ground next to me and examine it. It has some rips and tears in it. It is yellow with brown spots near the top, the stem is about an inch long. I pick another up and it’s not nearly the same. This leaf is green with little damage to it, while the stem is about three inches long. I come to realize these leaves represent humans. No two humans are the same, as well as leaves. Everyone and everything is different, that’s what makes us so unique and keeps life interesting. If every human were the same, life would be plain and boring, as well as leaves; if every leaf looked identical, life would also be bland.

I look and it occurs to me that my time here is done and I must head back to the bus. I take one last look across the lake and soak it in one last time. As I head back I decide to look around rather than goof off. I chose a different path on the way back this time.  I saw a lot more than before, rocks with green moss growing on them, a little log building, and many different plants. It just reminds me how different paths will have different outcomes. After high school, I will try to take the best paths that I can, hoping that I will have no regrets. On this different path, I find myself slowing down while walking, looking more intensely than before. As I approach the bus, I feel a rush of sadness, as I know my time is done in this beautiful forest. I will take more time to do this again alone, as it is important to stop and relax once in awhile. As we drive away, I take one last glance back, I stare at the two paths until they’re out of sight.

The author's comments:

My class and I were able to go to the outdoors one day for class and got to share our personal experiences.

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