When There Is No Struggle There Is No Strength | Teen Ink

When There Is No Struggle There Is No Strength

December 7, 2016
By 32519 GOLD, Detorit, Michigan
32519 GOLD, Detorit, Michigan
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today I feel like life is suffocating me with a pillow of all my worries and frustrations. I try to gasp for air or yell for help but no one can hear me. I’m dealing with many internal conflicts and I have a lot of emotions lately that I don’t understand and can’t express. These feelings are really hard for me to deal with.

My main problem is I over-think things in my life. I need to learn how to compartmentalize my thoughts. Have you ever just sat and thought yourself into a bad mood? Well, I do all the time. I struggle with separating my thoughts. I think about stuff that’s so far into the future. Also, thoughts of my past creep into my mind reminding me of mistakes and choices I’ve made over the years. I would rather over think my future than dwell in my past, thinking about things that I can’t change. Those types of thoughts leave me feeling like my heart and my stomach went on vacation and forgot to tell me…it’s just an empty feeling.

While I’m thinking about my future and my past the present is left playing right before my eyes and I’m not even watching it. The present is something I struggle with paying attention to. I get so wrapped up in different time periods; I feel like a time traveler the way thoughts bounce around in my head. I see myself in those time periods, like a constant slide show playing various events in my life. But I’m sick of traveling. I want the present to be where I live.  

The author's comments:

in class around october i was asked to write a personal struggle that later got published on our local class blog 

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