Lacking a Life | Teen Ink

Lacking a Life

November 14, 2016
By TobyDough BRONZE, Tualatin, Oregon
TobyDough BRONZE, Tualatin, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

After attempting to think of a moral story from my life, I am disappointed to find that I have none. Thirteen years of life on this earth, and yet I have not a single memory to share! I’ve spent my days in a fool’s paradise, wasting away while the world gains from experience. This fate may be mine, but it needn’t be yours. Rather than looking through a window your whole life, be the one looked at through the window! Enjoy your ability to move, take pleasure in the chance to be lively, and reap from the opportunity to give back. But please, for your own sake, don’t squander them in your own household, never branching out of your hole.

One thing I most regret is that I have made no use of the healthy body my parents gave me. As a small child, I took part in some small games but as a youth could gain nothing from it. I learned no teamwork, no self-respect, and no discipline. As I near the peak of my physical condition, I still do not partake of any physical activity; even if I did, my own body has not been properly conditioned to do so.

I have heard of men who can scale the Grand Canyon without so much as rope. How amazing that would be?to perform as great a task as that with merely your own body! I can scarcely carry out two pull-ups, let alone climb a vertical wall with my bare hands. Though this example is slightly extreme, I would recommend you do something of the sorts?to accomplish some physically challenging feat. I ask you to use your body; not many people regard it as a blessing. Ensure that you do.

Taking risks was never a talent I had. I prefered to stay inside my comfort zone, never reaching out into the unknown. Of course, I would occasionally venture into the city with my relatives, but taking the world in for myself had not crossed my mind. Bravery was not a quality in my life. Lethargy, however, was almost always my mood. Therefore, I dare you to be lively. Leave your comfort zone! Talk to strangers (unless they look shady)! Do something you might never get to do again; you don’t want to look back on your life and wish you had.

Having a spontaneous personality can bring a flavor of excitement to your life that you never thought possible. Living in the moment has an excitement which cannot be detained. I’ve looked back at all the times in my life when I could have been spontaneous and done something amazing, but I didn’t. I don’t like those memories. I’d prefer if I could travel back in time and change them, make them better. I now ask you to live in the moment and take risks; if you don’t, you’ll most likely regret it.

Perhaps you want more in life. Who am I kidding? Everyone wants more in life. Yet you’ve tried materialistic things--we all have. And it hasn’t satisfied any of us. The only way to be satisfied is to give, not gain. You can always have more objects, but you can never have too much generosity.

Giving has two layers: the first layer is to give your materials, and the second is to give your time. Everybody enjoys receiving gifts--especially currency--which is great. Giving material gifts like money or sentimental items is the first layer of giving. The second layer goes a ways deeper into the soul. Sacrificing your own free time for another person is difficult and not an appealing thought at first, but after the fact it feels great. If you have an hour or two to yourself, I’d be willing to bet money that your first idea is not to go work at a homeless shelter. My ideas certainly weren’t. Donating time may seem uncomfortable at first, but doing the work is truly gratifying. I wish I had given away more time in my previous years.. Time is so much harder to give than objects. I dare you to give--to give your wealth, but more importantly your time.

I’ve never wanted to leave my comfort zone. I’ve never wanted to challenge myself physically, nor have I wanted to branch out and live on a dare, nor have I felt like giving away my own possessions. It’s a shame, too. If I had ever done one of those things, I’d have a more complete life. I hope you haven’t where I have, but if you have please accept the dares I’ve presented you. They will bring you much more satisfaction in life. I guarantee it.

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