Weird Encounter | Teen Ink

Weird Encounter

November 9, 2016
By Anonymous

We drove and parked right outside our friends’ house. The rumbling sound that the engine stopped. My mom and my brother got off the car, but told me to stay in the car, so I did. I looked out the car window and saw the Japanese family opening their front door then greeted both my mom and my brother. I layed flat on the back seats, not knowing what I should do in the time being. The sky slowly dimmed. The clouds were moving faster. Feeling a bit sleepy, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Suddenly the driver's door opened. I thought it was my mom coming back from her business, but I was completely wrong. Instead, a teenager had busted in  without even my parents, who were only about 20 meters away, noticing. At first, I was too stunned to move.


Thoughts quickly popped up into my head and disappeared just as quickly as they had come, ”Why didn’t my mom lock the door and who the heck is this guy?” The guy came in the car and  sat in the front seat, ignored my presence, and seemingly entered into a deep sleep. I wanted to get out of the car. I tried opening the door but the child safety switch was on. I couldn't get out! I even tried opening the window, but the car was off. “Get off the car!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. The guy didn't budge, almost like he was in a coma. Later on, I resorted to just pounding on the glass window, trying to make some sound so my mom would notice me. When I was young, my mom always told me stories of kids getting kidnapped and stuff. Now, those things might actually going happen to me. “Maybe this guy is going to drive me away and kidnap me!”

I was beginning to get desperate. I pounded on the window even harder as if it would make a difference. When I looked back to the driver's seat, the guy was still sleeping.  Suddenly I stopped. There was something wrong with this guy. He never looked at me or talked. He just slept, or at least I thought so. I sat still, trying not to make more sounds that might cause this man to wake up. The feeling of getting trapped in a car with a random stranger was scarier I would ever thought. Every single thought that popped in my head was all about whether I would be taken away or my mom would come back in time to save me. I could not escape from the door to my left since it also had the child safety switch thing on. My head was drowning in the thoughts I spawned. It was the longest 4 minutes that I had ever been in. I looked out the window for one last time. “Yes!” All of my thoughts drained away.

Excitedly I saw my mom and brother were heading back to the car. I looked at the sleeping guy and then back to my mom.When she arrived, the guy woke up and ran away like a sissy after my mom threatened to call the police. I was relieved to see her. On the car ride back home, I asked my mom, “Why did he break into our car?” “Maybe he’s sick or that he thought our car was his parents car or something,” she suggested. I didn't believe her, since no one could have mistaken our car with theirs. After that horrifying experience, I turned off the child safety switch without my mom knowing in case this type of scenario happens again.


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