Needle in My Knee | Teen Ink

Needle in My Knee

November 8, 2016
By angiecastro SILVER, Sacrmento CA , California
angiecastro SILVER, Sacrmento CA , California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 When I was about 8 or 9 years old, I don’t know why but my sisters were playing with sewing needles. So when they were “cleaning” their mess they left a few out.

We were all sick. My sisters and I slept in our mom room. So my mom wanted me to turn off the medicine machine. It’s a machine when you have growing pains on your legs, and when you are sick you put Vicks/vaporub, well you put the vaporub in the top part of the machine and the bottom part has water and it makes so type of steam and it goes in the air for when you are sick. And at night my mom wanted me to turn it off. My mom didn’t have a frame on her bed yet so it was on the floor so when I crawled on the floor and one of the needles went into my knee.

 I started crying, and my family heard me and they came in the room. They kept asking me if I’m ok and what happened. When they seen my knee my grandma tried to pull it out but it hurt too much. And then they called the ambulance.

I could hear the ambulance from around the corner. “Do you want to go with your mom or us,” said the ambulance people. I said “I want to go with my mom. When we got to the hospital my uncle carried me in the hospital.

When I got to the doctors room they had to transfer me to the other building. The doctor pulled out the needle. Then they did check-up, then i went home.

I learned not to act like a little kid, and not crawl around on the floor.

The author's comments:

i am fascinated by it so i wanted to write it.

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