Six Years Of Change | Teen Ink

Six Years Of Change

June 11, 2016
By AliBarlett SILVER, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts
AliBarlett SILVER, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was nine, I believed that everybody was always going to be nice and happy. Nothing bad existed, so they’d always be carefree and in a good mood. There wasn’t anything to be upset about and everyone would get along and be happy for each other. My whole life would fall into place, and finding a career would be easy; I’d be a famous dancer. My parents would always help me as I figure things out, so nothing would be too difficult to accomplish.
But, by the time I turned sixteen I realized… people can surprise you. Sometimes, you think you know someone but you end up seeing a completely different side of them. Your carefree mind gets corrupted with stress and pointless thoughts that you find yourself wasting time thinking about. That “clear” future career path turns into an enormous maze that seems impossible to find the end of. Responsibilities involve making your own decisions and dealing with your own consequences. If I could ask my nine year old self a question, I’d wonder; “Why was I in such a rush to grow up?”

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