Our Mark | Teen Ink

Our Mark

June 8, 2016
By Cburghokie GOLD, Christiansburg, Virginia
Cburghokie GOLD, Christiansburg, Virginia
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Some people just need a high five, in the face, with a chair.

Why do we write? That's the question isn't it, why do we write? Some write to cope; some write to express. Some to entertain; and some to inform. We all write for different reasons, yet we all have one goal in common. We may not all know that this is our goal, but it is. We want to leave our mark.

We've all been told that we are different. We have different fingerprints, different identities. It's what makes us special. Just like how no two pieces of writing are the same. Two authors might have wrote about the same thing, such as a flower, but not the same flower. Now by the off chance that somehow those two authors did manage to write about the same exact flower planted in the earth, the works of art are still not the same. One writes about how the flower made him feel, how it made him want so desperately for something that beautiful. How it made him experience so much happiness in merely a second. The other, however, writes about the flower itself. It's impact on the world around us; the butterfly effect. How something so small can evoke something so large in someone or something. Our work, the novels, essays, and poems, that's our identity. That's what makes us so special.

And many people have said that they want to die knowing that they have left a mark on the crazy, fast-moving, and forgetful world. We use our works of art, our identities, to leave a mark.

Every time someone reads our work, we leave an imprint on them. We let them see what we saw, without actually seeing. We let them hear what we heard, without actually listening. And we let them experience what we did, without actually being with us. It's both a magical and powerful thing. And it's how we leave our mark on the world.

So to all the authors, writers, and readers: Don't be afraid to think crazy thoughts, step outside of society's mold, and to act on moments of faith. Because when you experience those, you need to write them down. And when you do that, others can experience them too. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why we do what we do.

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