Stranded... | Teen Ink


June 7, 2016
By nickyb04358 BRONZE, South China, Maine
nickyb04358 BRONZE, South China, Maine
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“ Do you guys wanna go fishing on the canoe?”I asked. While I was texting on my phone.
“ Sure” the reply came back.
“ Ya sure, but we should go for crappie,” another reply came.
“ Ya, definitely,” I texted back.

And so it began. Like an exquisite journey across the ocean, we went fishing but I never knew what was going to happen. I thought we’d have a fun time and catch fish. Well, we did catch fish. We actually caught three crappie and six white perch. We only kept three white perch because we didn’t want to keep too much. But we were smart to keep some because we would need them for later.

It was a 50 degree day in June. Nick, Hunter  and I decided to go fishing. We first walked to Field Stone for worms and drinks. When we got back we walked down to the lake and we saw the waves were pretty high but we thought we would be ok. We got the canoe in the water and embarked on a journey.

We went to five of my favorite places on the lake to catch crappie. Two of the spots had nothing, but the next three had some. We caught a fifteen inch, sixteen inch, and another sixteen inch. They were the biggest I’d caught that year. The first one was caught right in front of my house near a fallen tree. The 2nd one was caught near a row of rocks. The third one was in the deepest part of the lake. After 2 hours of fishing we just wanted to chill out there, so we just threw out a bober and left it there and we sat there and talked. But we all started getting sleepy and fell asleep.

I was woken by a giant wave crashing against my face. I saw we were on the other side of lake. My friends Nick and Hunter were still asleep and Hunter was almost out of the canoe and a wave hits him. I grab him and pull him back in. He and Nick woke up and they saw the waves and we all started getting scared. Not surprising I was sitting and I am dieing of laughter and posting videos on snapchat.

They’re all screaming “ NICK THIS ISN’T FUNNY! PADDLE!,”

Did I not mention we only had one paddle and I was holding it . They were yelling at me and I was video taping them and making fun of them until… A wave hit so hard the phone fell out my hand and was a inch away from going into the water. I managed to grab it and it didn’t fall in. After that I realized I need to paddle . So I started going hard and I didn’t care, I just kept on paddling but I realized we weren’t going anywhere.

Then Nick Hayden yelled, “ LAND HO!”

So we realized there is no way we are going get to the shore. We thought the waves would calm down later. I started paddling with the waves to the island. Eventually we got there and the doc in this perfect spot. Where there was a v shaped spot to put canoe at with a tree in front of it to tie the rope to. There was a giant rock to sit on and there was a path on the island. I wondered if there has been other people on the island.

We were starving so we got out the fish. I asked them if they wanted to build a fire and cook the fish. “ Heck ya “ both of them said. So we got some rocks and made a pit and put the rocks around it.

Hunter dropped a rock on his foot and yelled “ Oww that booch” ( that’s Hunter’s word for like a non-bad swear)

The pit was a circle shape and was about 4 inches deep. We got some thick wood for the base of the fire, then some small twigs and some tinder that was dead grass, bark, pine needles, and some leaves, because we needed it to start fire. We gutted the fish and cut the head off so it was kind like a body and its tail.We got a long stick with pointy parts sticking out. We put the sick through the back and cooked all six fish they started out smelling horrendous but after they cooked with a sizzle they smelled delicious. We all got one crappie and one whitey. We couldn’t cut it so we found a glass bottle and broke it and used it as a knife.
We checked the time and it was about 5:30 pm and the waves hadn’t calmed down at all. They were still like a tsunami. We saw the shore and we all talked Nick said” we could swim”

“Put your hand in the water” I said. He put his hand in water he pulled it out so quick and yelled “OOH WE! I guess we aren’t swimming”

Hunter suggested” why don’t we go with the waves because all waves end up at shore 
we went with the waves and it took about 30 minutes but we finally got there. When we got there we got out and walked the boat on the shore. The water was maybe 50 degrees and it didn’t help when it was as windy as a tornado. Luckily, we found a wooden paddle floating, now we call it the “lucky paddle” because no more than 40 minutes after walking the shore and 20 minutes after we found the paddle the waves stopped so we got back in. It wasn’t so lucky when we finally  got home because all our moms yelled and I mean yell! My mom was screaming, “ NICK, YOU’RE GONNA BE STUCK IN YOUR ROOM FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE” or “ NICK I’M GONNA SMASH YOUR XBOX WITH AN AXE”. (Is it bad to say I was laughing.) After Nick and Hunter went home and after that it got worse. I was grounded from my xbox and phone for three months and more yelling. 

The moral of this story is don’t think you can do stuff that you see on tv...

I’m just kidding the moral of this story is don’t give up because there is always a way, whether you’re in a pit or you are stuck in the middle of a lake. There is always a way so never ever give up!

The author's comments:

It was scary at first but now I remember it I think it was pretty fun!

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