I am a Journal | Teen Ink

I am a Journal

May 27, 2016
By kjlkelsey SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
kjlkelsey SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One of the greatest feelings is opening a soft leather cover to reveal crisp blank pages waiting for words to fill the empty lines. Waiting for someone’s story to dance across the pages. Twirling and spinning as a life unfolds within the journal.

With each page that is filled, the music that guides the dance will change. From the best moments, that crescendo with a joyful tune, to the moments with a heavy song that capture despair. The journal is there to capture it all, a confidant, a thing to trust to hold your deepest emotions

Sometimes it is the only one there to listen as feelings are poured out onto its pages. It will never forsake, the feelings recorded inside are safe within the binding holding it together. A journal--trustworthy, full of emotion, and your friend.

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