Open Letter | Teen Ink

Open Letter

May 26, 2016
By Anonymous

Dear internet trolls,

Please stop filling all the comments on everything ever poster EVER with your unwanted opinion. We get that nobody likes you but you don't have to take out your anger on all of the innocent viewers of any type of social media. I just don't understand how somebody could care so much about something so stupid that would make them write full mel-con essays in the comments of a you tube video, to people they have never and wont ever see in real life. Its just ridiculous how much effort is put into proving your point through the internet comment section. People will argue with each other talking about who's the bigger looser for fighting over the internet. You both loose just give it a break and go outside. Don't get me wrong though a few of these comments can be really funny too read but they usually just get out of hand.

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