A Water Filled Wheelbarrow | Teen Ink

A Water Filled Wheelbarrow

May 2, 2016
By Anonymous

Brilliance comes in many different forms; Newton figured out the laws of gravity, Einstein created the Atomic Bomb, and Aristotle studied the stars without the use of modern technology. Well, the brilliance I plan to show you is not on the same level as Newton, Einstein, and Aristotle; however, my friends and I’s brilliance comes pretty close. So, this story begins with a stroke of brilliance in the form of a wheelbarrow filled with water.

One day at camp I and a group of friends were parading back to our cabin where we noticed a sizable wheelbarrow. The wheelbarrow was the type that had two large wheels in the front rather than just one. When we saw this glorious wheelbarrow my friend Giggles says “Let’s fill the wheelbarrow with water and have a pool party.” We all glance at her as if she is crazy, she is. At this point, all she is trying to do is convince us to have a wheelbarrow pool party. None of my friends want to because the water is bitingly cold. In order to satisfy Giggles another friend of mine, Speedy, comes up with the idea of letting the water sit outside in the sun all day so the water will warm up and become a hot tub. Being the complete weirdos that we are we all decide that this is the best idea any of us has ever come up with. So the next morning when we wake up from receiving the beauty sleep we all need the four of us walk outside to fill the glorious wheelbarrow with ice-cold water from the spigot outside of our cabin.


After we fill the wheelbarrow up we head off to start our day anxiously awaiting Turtle Time, an hour after lunch where we go to our cabins to relax. Throughout the day, the four of us can not help but laugh at the idiocy that will ensue later today. Finally, we last through the beginning of the day and as the four of us sit at lunch looking at each other and giggling comparably to idiots at the thought of our brilliant plan. We hurry through lunch, finish up doing all the dishes, and rush back to our cabin where our wheelbarrow awaits! Sadly upon our arrival, we witness the death of our wheelbarrow hot tub as we see the rangers son dump out all of the water we had been heating! All four of us stand there gazing at one another seeing the hurt in all of our eyes when the insanity that is Giggles says “Oh well I’m still having this party so fill the wheelbarrow back up and we will have a cold tub party.” Speedy laughs at us and tells us to have fun and that she will take pictures for us. Twizz, Giggles, and I all rush into our cabin and throw on our assorted, mismatched bathing suits and go run to fill up our wheelbarrow. While the three of us are filling up the wheelbarrow Speedy somehow manages to find two tiny, pink, plastic water guns. She tosses these to Twizz and me, the two of us then proceed to shoot Giggles with them. Giggles then hops into the wheelbarrow, which is filled to the brim with frigid water,  yelling “Push me! Push me! Twizz and I look at each other with mischief in our eyes as we fulfill her wish of being “Pushed.” We push her right out of that wheelbarrow causing her to go rolling into the grass into an extensive puddle of watery dirt. After Giggles lands in the dirt, she decides that she wants a “Cute” picture. She posses Twizz and me so that we are pointing our water guns towards the camera. Then the mud covered Giggles hops into the wheelbarrow and makes the weirdest smile I have ever seen. After the events of today, the four of us are exhausted so we decide it's time for a nap. Thus, the four most brilliantly stupid human beings go acquire some more beauty sleep that we all desperately need.

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