Shaving My Head | Teen Ink

Shaving My Head

April 2, 2016
By MaggieWilson BRONZE, Farmington Hills, Michigan
MaggieWilson BRONZE, Farmington Hills, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve always been that girl who’s wanted her hair down to ankles, and cried when she got her hair cut. In about mid-January I stared feeling differently about my hair, it felt like my hair was the only thing people noticed about me. Anytime I would meet someone new they would immediately become entranced with my hair and want to play with it; little did they know it took me hours upon hours to make it look half way decant. My hair hindered me from doing the things I wanted to do, my friends would text me and ask me if I wanted to go out with them and I would always say no because my hair looked so bad I didn’t want anyone to see it.

I came across a YouTube video about pros and cons of having a buzz cut and I absolutely loved every single reason this YouTuber was listing so I looked up more videos just like it. I only ended up finding a handful and most of the reasons to get a buzz cut where similar but I still loved them all. After a few days of watching buzz cut videos on YouTube I decided I think I really might actually want to do this so I looked up girls with buzz cuts on google images. Every single one of these girls was beautiful hell they were beyond beautiful and I wanted to be just like them. that’s when I decided I defiantly wanted a buzz cut of my own.

For three days the only people I told where a few other girls in my group chat full of online friends and they were all insanely supportive. Next I decided to tell my boyfriend what I was think about doing – he didn’t really believe me because of how much I hate getting haircuts but I was being 100% serious. The only “real life” friend I told I wanted a buzz cut was my really good friend Naya. As soon as I told her she said I was going to look terrible, I was going to look like a boy, and that if I did it she was never going to talk to me again. I didn’t care though I knew she was joking about never talking to me again but because of her bad reaction I decided to not tell anyone else.

On January 26th my mom came into my room to wake me up she didn’t know but I was already awake and as soon as she walked in the door I said “mom I want a buzz cut” she promptly told me to get out of bed and to take a shower then walked out. I believe she also didn’t believe me but my mind was already stuck on it. I finally convinced her that I was entirely serious and on January 28th she drove me to the hair salon.

When we walked in the hair salon my palms where sweaty and my heart was beating out of control. I like to think that’s because I was so excited but it was really I was terrified. The hair stylist came up to me and ask what I wanted done. I told her I wanted a buzz cut and she looked at me like I was joking, so I pulled up a picture of exactly what I wanted on my phone and showed her. She was extremely hesitant and asked me what felt like 50 times if I was sure when I convinced her that I was positive she guided me to her chair.

When she was completely done I cried. I looked freaking amazing at that point everyone in the hair salon told me I looked great and the other hair stylists there admitted to being scared for me. as soon as I got back home I showered due to the hair all over me and went to bed. The next morning, I was terrified to go to school but at the same time I wasn’t.

As soon as I walked in the doors I felt like everyone was staring at me. I walked to my class with my head down hoping nobody would stop me. When I got to my geometry class my teacher was standing outside the classroom she smiled and told me she thought that was me walking down the hallway and that she loved my new hair. With my heart pounding I opened up the door to my classroom immediately there was shock from my class but then my friend Sarah said she loved it and this boy Joe told me I looked like a boy (I told him I’m a cuter boy then he is). I wouldn’t have expected any other reaction from him though he’s an absolute jerk to everyone.

Throughout the rest of the day everyone was shocked just like I expected but not in a bad way. On several of the videos I watched the people talked about how much of a confidence boost shaving their heads was I believed them but I did not realize I would gain this much confidence about the way I look. Every single time someone complements my hair now and says they wish they could get a buzz cut I tell them they absolutely should.

We are not a perfect society and I have had several bad reactions to my hair most of them being people assuming things about my sexuality, But I didn’t let those people stop me from continuing to buzz my hair and doing what I wanted. There’s never going to be a decision you make in like that everyone will agree on eventually you just have to stop listening to the rest of the world and do what makes you happy.

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