Unique | Teen Ink


March 9, 2016
By abbeyyclousee SILVER, Flower Mound, Texas
abbeyyclousee SILVER, Flower Mound, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future - Proverbs 31:25

Like most people, I have had my fair share of bad days. So when those bad days continued into months, then into years, I struggled to become myself. I struggled to carve my path into the world. I was different. I am different. My goofy, sarcastic personality got me into trouble. I loved to be in my own world, to live inside of it. If  anyone wanted access in, they needed to have permission.

The day the barriers broke was the day I began to question myself and my identity. How bad did I want to fit in? How many rules was I willing to break? Was it truly going to be worth it to change? As much as I tried, I never could live up to the expectation of a perfect high school girl. At least in their eyes i couldn't.

I wasn't willing to make fun of my friends as a joke, I didn’t want to go party, and I certainly wasn’t willing to blame other people for my dumb mistakes. Unlike them, I knew right from wrong, and to their unknown knowledge, I discovered the darkest of truths behind their games. Little did I know, the next two years of my life would become complete and utter hell. The way I was treated, the way I was brought down, made who I was seem pointless. Worthless. Nothing.

I didn't act like the weird little goofball people saw me as. I had sleepless nights of tears and kleenex, which caused my mental ability to shut down almost completely. I stopped talking, knowing that if I did, it would come back and bite me harder each time.
The world that I had tried so hard to defend had been broken and burnt to the ground. My 4’9 clumsy, and goofy personality was shown to be  intimidating, I was seen as a threat to the screwed up society that I lived in.

I  soon discovered that the solution was time away, time away from the from the people who had caused my discruction. The things I gained from my absence built my self-confidence in who I was back together. The puzzle pieces of my life were secured once again  with super glue, tape, and the sparkling glitter of my personality. I had to realize that being different was good, standing out was what I wanted, because who wants to be the same as everyone else? There is only one you, so I decided to make it count. I decided to be unique.

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