Siblings | Teen Ink


February 28, 2016
By wyattmartinn BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
wyattmartinn BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Growing up with siblings is a crazy thing.  It can be good and it can be bad.  It can be fun at sometimes and boring at others. They can be very helpful and also really mean, but really having siblings is a good thing.  I know this because I have 3.


Some of the good things that come with having siblings is that you always have a friend to do stuff with. They're always there when your bored and always offer good company.  All though being close with your siblings is good, that is when fights start to happen because your so close.  But its good to know though that after fight and solve your differences you will always be there for eachother and go back to being bestfriends.


Another thing about siblings is that you can always learn from them.  You tend to look up to your older siblings and anything they do you do as well.  This most of the time is good and sometimes gets you in trouble, but thats not important. Whats important is that you get the most valuable of life lessons from just having siblings


Having 3 siblings is probally the best thing for me because that means that there is always 3 people that I can to  if I ever need anything.  I also know that they will always be there for me and I will always be here for them.  

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