The Class Clown | Teen Ink

The Class Clown

February 19, 2016
By Lean_Cuisine SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Lean_Cuisine SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You need laughter. Laughter is happiness and i'm a people pleaser. My name is Adam H. and i'm your class clown.


Im very proud of it actually. If I had to choose any other social standing, I would choose it again in a heartbeat. With my prestigious position comes many pros. I belong to every social group because i'm their nerve center of comedy. As long as I make people laugh they let me stick around and it's never a bad thing to have a diverse group of friends. And not just anyone can fill my position. You have to have a certain level of skill in knowing what makes people laugh to do my job.

With every pro comes a con though. Not everyone will like you so you will have haters. When you're trying to be serious with people, they think your playing. You've heard millions of jokes so you remember random ones during class and distract people with your laughter. When you tell someone a story but they think you're lying because your trying not to laugh. You're easily entertained so when someone makes a weird face you disturb the class with your laughter.

I personally don't know how I got this way. Maybe its because my parents are so busy and strict. I don't get that much freedom at home and it was to strict for me to be a child.

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