Robbery of Souls | Teen Ink

Robbery of Souls

February 16, 2016
By Romanturtle BRONZE, Lewisville, TX, Texas
Romanturtle BRONZE, Lewisville, TX, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In my younger days, I dreamed pasts the

present and wondering in the blank, white, space.

Outside was just another cloudy day.
My head was feeling pain;I hate headaches.

However,my imagination didn't balk me from
reaching the apex of my daydream.

Just then, a slender,misconstructed man walked by ;he seemed
like static and walked by like a blurry memory.

So then the slender man walked to the bank lady in bashfulness ,and whispered to the woman.

From a warm beautiful smile,it wrinkled all
away to an everyday face .

Her impression made her look as if
She saw a monster .

Afterwards,the slender man walked steadedly and
in a quick pace;the bank lady reached out under the table
besides her and touched something that made the doors
to armored gates of a castle.

Just then,men in black came in through the armored gates
and raided me,my family,aunt and uncle and their child with riddles

After my turn, all I wanted to know if the lollipops were made
Out of sugar, or something harder.

The author's comments:

This article shows what I felt like 10 years ago when I was a child while at a chase bank, a man tried to rob the bank in discrete. This was a personal experience/true story.

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