It Is the Disorientation by Love | Teen Ink

It Is the Disorientation by Love

February 7, 2016
By Aatishi.Sharma SILVER, New Delhi, Other
Aatishi.Sharma SILVER, New Delhi, Other
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Defeat is only bitter once you swallow it".

They said " the brightest things shine the brightest in the darkness, only." The vibrant colors that one only sees in the dark, is what your life is worth living for. This is when the rainbow of your dull life overcomes the Earthly life. It is that kind of a pleasure, that you can eventually die for.

It pains to see through the dark, only to see the light through, is incredible. The emotions and the adrenaline is immense. The vibrancy comes alive not when you think it has, it comes alive when you think there is nothing worth living for.

The peace from this is a heavenly affair. I am a sadist, I enjoy your pains. The howls you make in your dreams come alive in reality, are my wishes. That's the best I can wish for you.

The depth of my eyes can be measured, the depth of my heart can be measured, the depth of my head can be measured. But, you cannot measure me. I am enthralling.

The more you do it, the more I build myself over it. It's the agony that enchants me the most. This pain, the love of my life, captures my life story. Not too much, but a lot of it.

Familiar and too much acquaintance with it. Don't even try. I let my imagination run wild, even wilder than your worst fire. The serendipity of your life, is a joke. I like jokes. Even more, cracking them open.. Remember? I am the sadist.

I am here to stay, not. The wreck of your little boat, will suffice my soul. They will be my words. The lies you run away from.  They will be imperishable. They are and will be immortal.

Find my words no where else. This affiliation is extinct now. Just like those autumn orange leaves will not go back to being green, the oceans you passed by, wont empty by themselves and, just like this torn soul wont go back to the sane self.

This emotional vengeance, is not a turmoil. It is the disorientation from love. It tastes victorious, to you. Doesn't it? The shadows of your past will be forever hazy to me.

Every storm has a story, a story to learn from. Every storm is dejected. Ever thought how the storm feels? Don't worry, it just runs across miles and miles and goes, to never come back again. The mark of it's scars will remain in reality and memories.

These scars on my hands are not bad, they communicate a piece of my story. They mark my victories. They are difficult to interpret, just like this one...

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