A Sentence to Be Remembered By | Teen Ink

A Sentence to Be Remembered By

January 24, 2016
By AbrahamTheMage BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
AbrahamTheMage BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Every kid starts out as a natural-born scientist, and then we beat it out of them. A few trickle through the system with their wonder and enthusiasm for science intact."
-Carl Sagan

If I had to choose what I want to be remembered by, I would want to be remembered not only as a pioneer in the fields of science and technology, but also as a person to be looked up to. There are those such as my brother and my bestfriend who have inspired me to work harder and think of others. They consistently try to act kindly, be forgiving and just be good people, regardless whether the person is one they like, despise, or is some random stranger. Whenever my brother would see a homeless person, he would give him or her all the loose change that he had with him. I was pretty young at the time and I didn't understand how people could be poor, so I asked why does he give all his change to the poor. My brother then began to explain that in this world of ours there are billions of people. And sometimes a few bad people who have a lot don't care to share. So to help the people that have the least he gives them as much as he can. Even if its a little, those who have nothing  would think its millions, and that small acts of kindness that seem like nothing to us, might just be the world to them.

  It is because of this that I want to be kind. It is because of this, that I want to help others. I want to work hard and fairly so that I could inspire others to follow in suit, so that they, in turn, inspire others. I will work to be the best person I could possibly be. Hopefully this will encourage more people to try harder and to better themselves, so that they can be the best people they are capable of being. A sentence that summarizes how I want people to remember me is, "He learned from past troubles, acted for the present situation and planned for a better tomorrow."

The author's comments:

I originally made this as a blog post for my english class. I know the ending is rather cheesy but I do mean what I say.

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