One Precious Dream | Teen Ink

One Precious Dream

January 6, 2016
By BrookieBag GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
BrookieBag GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is the only thing that accepts me. I am the only one who accepts it. One precious dream with cerulean skies and amorphous depictions like a paradox. One who does not remember encounters but remembers me. One frenzied antic disregarded by my mind. With dark eyelids, I can see it, but I ignore it and depreciate its embodied truth.

Its light is captivating. It sparks controversy within my diminishing heart. Is it I or is it you or instead us two shall be as one and we dance the waltz with starry eyes and we always smile in reply. This is how it shines.

Let us rejoice for daring to be different, it’s a bliss like laughing uncontrollably, while gasping breathless for some air. Shine, shine, shine it speaks while I rejuvenate. It grants.

When I lose hope and dreams descend mislaying their shine, when I am but a small sinner among many saints, then it is I who looks to dreams. When there aren’t any dreams left to grasp in my heart. One that flourished beyond compare. One that speaks and does not forget to speak. One whose only purpose is to give and give.

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