What If... | Teen Ink

What If...

November 18, 2015
By Anonymous

"It runs in the family," would be my mother's response when I asked her why she thought that way.  I didn't believe her until it crawled its way into my own mind.  What is this idea that invades our skull?  Worry.  It eats my hopes and dreams and replaces them with worst case scenarios and nagging "what if's".  It lies to me and says that it won't all work out or that it won't be worth it in the end.  It tells me that my brilliant idea will never be accepted.  It lies and I know it.  It's fighting a battle that I will never allow it to champion.  I have found the good in it.  With worry comes imagination.  Imagination pushes me to discover innovation.  It fabricates adventurous "what if's".  It takes in what I see and turns it into something of worth.  It designs a whole world of my own.  Worry prepares me for when everythng goes wrong.  Imagination lets me know that life will never be all that worry tells me it will be.  Imagination creates.  Worry destroys.  Worry is a waste of time without imagination.  Imagination would leave us unprepared for the real world without worry.  They must work together in order for progress to happen.

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