A Life Lost | Teen Ink

A Life Lost

October 12, 2015
By DestinyBowman BRONZE, Bowler, Wisconsin
DestinyBowman BRONZE, Bowler, Wisconsin
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There is never a tomorrow.. always a today"

Here is a little story that happened a short time ago. It was devastating and people could not forget about it for a while. Imagine it is your sibling(s), parents, aunt, uncle, or even a good friend, or just someone who has always been there for you.

  Drugs are, and will never be, good for you or your body. Your life depends on what you do and how you do things. Your body needs healthy things and drugs are not healthy.

Drugs will always be by you or your friends, but that does not mean you have to take them or even have to try them.  You may have to walk away from a friendship or even a family member.

This may not only be drugs, but also alcohol. Alcohol can also harm your body and may affect a part of your body and your body may not respond well or even just that one part. Drugs and alcohol affect your body in many ways. You may not notice it yourself, but others will.

  There was a young gentleman. He had just turned 17. He was on the football team, a student and then suddenly things went wrong.

He was just invited to a party for Friday night fun. He figured, just go with some friends, play some games, hang out, and talk. Him and his friends were talking about doing drugs. He wanted to be the person he was and not change his life. What he thought was wrong. He was being pressured into this idea and he couldn't say no.

This night, his life was ruined. His family was about to get the worst news of their life. His parents rushed to the hospital and they found out he was brain dead and would never be able to be a star again. He would have to be put on life support. He was to be alive for only four more months. Sometime had gone by and his parents could not take it anymore. They asked themselves if the should watch him suffer and to never talk to him again. They took him off life support. He would then be in a better place and watch down and hopefully wish that his friends would never be like him.

He should have made the right choice that night and never should have done drugs and drank. Look where it got him. He never got very far in life.

You should not drink or do drugs.  I have learned a lot and a life lesson. And you should too. Let this tragic story be an inspiraton to you, your family and friends.

The author's comments:

This piece are my own words, from a newspaper about my cousins death. He should have lived longer than 17 years old, but he didn't, because of peer pressure.

I was moved by this, because it made me think harder about life. I, to this day, will not ever do drugs or alcohol. I will also not take peer pressure. Not worth it.

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