Nothing At All | Teen Ink

Nothing At All

August 24, 2015
By ellehm SILVER, Tyrone, Pennsylvania
ellehm SILVER, Tyrone, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How the wind blows coolly this afternoon, I have never noticed that; but of all, I have never noticed how beautiful she is.

I looked up the sky,it’s too big, too blue, and like my future is too vague. I decided to stop surfing my newsfeed on Facebook, which I was buried by tons of achievements figures or just my friends. They are too awesome, not like someone. We found a peaceful place that we two are alone. We have never been together, facing each other and accept the reality.

Parks, trees, or beaches are usually the most wonderful places you may want to escape from your stressful reality. But we are weird, no one accepts us. We want to face reality, frankly look at what really happens, it’s not time to escape. I followed her, under the bridge- the place which is the nadir of this city where you could find any of the most unwanted things. Without words, we both implied the reasons why she led me here, and I just simply agreed to follow.

She knew what I was thinking, she knew how hard I scream, and how much I need her. For all those time, I have casted out her encouragement. They are all words to make me feel better, I do not deserve it. Honestly, I am nobody, nothing. Look at what other people around me, how great they are, and when both of us look at me she is still calm.

Now, when she leads me to the nadir of the city, she is happy. I sighed, look at the long stream flowing forever. Imagining of I would flow with it, oh how swimming could get me find happiness in this world.
I looked around, sure, trash everywhere. This is where I could belong to. I told her how disgusting those cans, littering, papers, I used all the worst words to describe the useless and burden of trash to her. And I went on that no one, except for us would spend time sitting in such ridiculous place.

Again, I started to look up at the crowd and think about myself. How they are happy, with friends, not worry. Then, I looked at this nasty place, sighed again. Far away, I saw some people holding big plastic bags, looking for something.

“Look at that” she showed me at those messy lines and numbers on the bridge wall. I gleaned my eyes and examined. Soon I figured out it was not just random numbers and stupid lines. They are used to measure the heights of tide, flood and rain water table.

“Even in the most undesirable place, you still find the helpful, and sometimes they most important or influence most. If there weren’t those lines, the environment and government would have struggled to take data and report or predict the level of water in the rainy and drought seasons. I am not good at such thing, but I am sure enough it would be a big trouble if those lines don’t exist” she continued “look at those people, they went all the way to this place just to look for those trash cans or recyclable things that people throw away. The normal people don’t see the value of trash, and the hard-working and poor condition needs those trashes to earn their living. The most undesirable place for one person could be the most hopeful place for a different person. Just like you…You need not to be a somebody, on the news or press, be yourself, find happiness in what you do” she stopped and let me think.

I thought maybe the strong tiger doesn’t need a rat to help him get out of the trap, but a tiger in the difficulty situation, the rat is his hero.

I looked up again, the sky is still blue, the crowd is still laughing, and my heart is burning and lightening. I am thinking of the happiness of people who could able find the useless trash cans. Face it, of course, those cans may not be as good and helpful as the diamond or new cans, but trash cans can also bring happiness to whomever need them. I looked at her, feeling loved her more than ever: my soul, and she smiled. We looked at the smiles on those cans collectors faces.

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