Imagine | Teen Ink


May 28, 2015
By Elqgirl BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Elqgirl BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm taking life one game at a time...." - Wreck-It Ralph

Imagine after an hour long drive, finally pulling into the place you ache to be every month of the year, and seeing all of the friends that you only get to see during this one week. Imagine walking up to registration and seeing your friends from your own band, friends from other bands, and people from other bands that are soon going to become your friends. Imagine walking into the cabin you will be calling home for the next week. Imagine walking up to your well-known audition spot, and sitting with the people you’ve been playing with for the last four years, and individually walking up to the stage to audition for the two instructors that you’ve gotten used to seeing every year right around this time. Imagine going to the opening day meeting and hearing the cabin that contains the oldest boys and the cabin that contains the oldest girls arguing over who’s going to start what they call “the band camp clap.” Imagine busting out the famous clap and watching the first years with the all-too-familiar bewildered look on their face. Imagine receiving the music that you will be playing for the next week and comparing parts with your friends. Imagine finally sitting down after a long day of registrations and auditions to a plateful of food that you cannot wait to get in your stomach. Imagine walking back to your cabin for the night to discover that your counselor has set up some sort of bonding game for you and your cabin mates. Imagine settling into bed after lights out thinking, “Wow, I’m going to get some amazing sleep tonight,” but then end up talking your mouth off with the people in your cabin that you will bond so closely with in the next week that you’re going to know their deepest secrets. Imagine finally deciding to go to sleep, and smiling because you’re back. Imagine finally being able to be at camp after waiting 11 months, 3 weeks, 1 day and 10 minutes. Imagine.

The author's comments:

Every year I go to a music camp called Lake Tahoe Music Camp and I call it the highlight of my year. I absolutely love going to camp every year, and this is something I wrote a little while ago, originally for an English assignment, but I loved the idea and shaped it and worked with it until it was exactly what I wanted. So, here I present, Imagine

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