Why I Do | Teen Ink

Why I Do

May 19, 2015
By MacieB1677 BRONZE, Wilmington, North Carolina
MacieB1677 BRONZE, Wilmington, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Questioning existence is a common philosophical and scientific theme; the curiosity teeming throughout history, intertwining Darwinism and metaphysics. As a young woman with general knowledge on both subjects, I would like to entertain the same topic with my own perspective twist. By breathing, eating, sleeping, and eventually reproducing, the basic biological necessities for staying alive and “existing” are achieved. However, my personal definition of “living” is different, and includes the essence of emotion. By leaping for the moon and taking opportune advantage of every star, my passion and fervid drive keeps me alive and forces me to exist.

If one is placed on this earth to simply survive, similarly to our debatably relative mammalians, natural selection would have wiped out the aspect of sentiment a long time ago. The fleeting rush of adrenaline, the crushing blow of heartache, and the inevitable fear of death all exemplify the emotional complexities that “living” entails, but survival does not require. Whether I am crying pitiful drops or joyous streams, the embrace of emotion is what keeps me alive. To be alive is to inhale the salty air deep into your lungs and wail your heart’s desires; it entails seeking out the thunder and lightning accompanying the beating rain, and the thrill of the journey rather than destination.

Although the destination is graduating with a degree from UNC Chapel Hill, the many years I will spend studying there are the most impactful. The vigor within my schooling and education at the university will thrive, and my dream career in journalism will be shaped immensely. The endurance exemplified within my junior year of high school has massively paved this specific outlook towards my studies. While battling a horrific case of mono and enrolled in four advanced placement classes and one online class, I had enough on my plate to feed an army. However, the internal ambition kept me going and focused on my future goals.

When I am one hundred years old, I will still be as alive as I am today. Although my health will decline, and my survival rate will be much lower, I will never forget my adventurous years. The times I zip-lined in the tree tops of the Belizean rainforest, hiked twelve miles in the Grand Canyon, and camped across America within 23 days will always be a part of my soul. My raw and passionate love for life is an undying part of me.

Pre-programmed with all of the tools necessary for survival, humans are dropped on this planet to find their own purpose. Whether one fulfills the dictionary definition of living, or chooses to take a path similar to mine, existence is achieved nonetheless. I keep my own heart beating with drive, I love intensely and endlessly, and I work incredibly hard for what I want. All of this exhilarating emotion, all of the highs and lows are necessary to fully survive. These are the reasons why I take chances. This is why I do what I do.

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