The Breakup | Teen Ink

The Breakup

May 2, 2015
By thebaddestblood SILVER, Merriam Woods, Missouri
thebaddestblood SILVER, Merriam Woods, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Dear Anxiety,
We’ve always had a strained relationship, you and I. But I’ve had enough. I’d be lying if I said that it was my fault, not yours. The truth of the matter is that it’s all you. You can’t change, you refuse to. You suffocate me. I think it’s time that we go our separate ways.
I've thought about this a lot, about you. You changed me, no question, but maybe I didn't need to change that way. When I was with you, I felt like my entire being was stripped away, replaced by a monster who wore my face. You made me dependent and clingy, despondent and withdrawn. All of my friendships, my romances, they are tainted by you. I hate you for that. I hate you for a lot of things. I hate you for how you pinned me to the ground, making me stare into the never ending blue sky as you repeated, “Worthless, talentless, unimportant.”
I need to be on my own. I need a life without you. Despite everything I've said, I know that you will hold on. I know that when I’m at my weakest, I will surrender to the familiarity of you. All I ask is that you don’t linger. You’re not good for me- you never were. Let me experience social events without the constant threat of a panic attack. Let me spend the day with my friends and still be able to interact with my family afterward. Let me be. You owe me this.

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