Natural Drive | Teen Ink

Natural Drive

April 26, 2015
By goldyblob12 BRONZE, Stillwater, Minnesota
goldyblob12 BRONZE, Stillwater, Minnesota
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Alaska was a place I found myself perfectly content.
I’ve always known I’m an introverted person-so has everyone else that’s ever known me. I’m different than most people in a handful of ways. I dislike sunshine and basically summertime in general. I like secluded, quiet places where my loud thoughts can be released. At school, I love getting to know people I wouldn’t normally talk to. I like to find people that are similar to me. My goal is to build an environment of people that love and support me and I do the same.

When I found out my family was going to take a vacation to Alaska, I felt euphoric. What a prospect! This was the first trip I have been really excited for in a while. Cool weather, rainy days, and exploring the unknown; what more could I have asked for?

It took a little bit of weather research to figure out what types of clothing pieces I’d be needing. I’ve always thought Alaska is a snow covered tundra when in fact it’s the opposite (in the summertime at least). This was all part of the fun.

My family and I got up before the sunrise in high spirits to drive to the parking lot where the shuttle bus would pick us up to take us to the airport. I was ecstatic at this point. We arrived at the airport and got on the plane. It just so happens I sat between the loudest snorers in my family. It was okay though, because I had noise-cancelling headphones.  The plane ride was a long one-I sat by the window. As I looked out the window, I was captivated by the land beneath. It was green on ground level, but snow still covered the tops of the mountains. I felt so relaxed and excited to arrive.

Finally getting to the Alaska airport, everyone was excited.

The day we went to Denali National Park was a day that will be rooted in my memory for the rest of my life. The day was a grey one, it had started to rain when we got there. We all piled onto a tour bus with people from around the world-all who share the same interests as us; exploring. Suddenly I felt at home, I felt safe in an unknown place. I felt like I knew everyone around me. It was a feeling I’ve seldom experienced.

The bus took us up past orange and red fuzzy hills, dotted with green pine trees. The rain made the landscape look muted. Occasionally the bus would stop for us to photograph wildlife. 

My mind was completely drawn away from my life back home. Nothing mattered. Not even the fact that school started the morning I got back. I felt my stress and built up thoughts cascading out of my congested head. What a refreshing feeling that was.

The bus ride went on for many hours. I couldn’t take my eyes off the terrain. There was something so hypnotizing about it. Eventually the clouds rolled away and the sunshine poked through just in time for Wonder Lake.

The bus came to a stop and we engrossed the sight of the lake. Bodies of water make me feel less of a dominant human and more of a resident in nature. I feel small- but in the best way possible.

The great thing about open land is feeling adrift. The possibility of getting off course and getting lost. In a big city, sure you can get lost, but only for about 10 minutes. Only until you whip out your phone and open Google Maps. In nature, you can get lost. There may not be an easy way to be found. That’s what I like. Consider a world where there is no risk or adventure. Nowhere you could go to get lost. Sometimes the best memories are made when you’re in a place you’ve never been before; and have to explore to find your way around.

I profit from being lost. It’s almost like a checkpoint for my accustomed life. Every time I come back from being lost, I feel replenished and just overall more motivated to live. New inspirations arise and I crave new refreshing experiences. It’s a really beautiful feeling- nature inspiring you. Not what you saw on TV last night, but something as simple as a landscape. A landscape telling you to live and breath more days because these are real experiences you created and you told yourself were beautiful. I challenge you to find that drive somewhere else.

The author's comments:

I was refreshed last summer. 

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