Treasure | Teen Ink


April 21, 2015
By Sarah2567 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Sarah2567 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Down in the little village of Merton, there’s a park special to many. With its variety of activities, there’s something for everyone. Whether it be swinging on the swings, taking a walk, flying in the little blue airplane, or a game of baseball at the diamonds, you’ll always enjoy your time there.

When I was younger my mother used to take me and my sister on a bike ride down to the park where we could climb the monkey bars and play on the slides. Every few days there’d be a baseball game down at the diamonds that we’d go and watch for the night.

If you walk down the trail and go behind the trees, there’s a paved path that takes you around the subdivision. There’s also little paths that’ll take you to a spot by the river in the woods.

Little kids can play in the area where there’s smaller slides and tic-tac-toe games on the bars. There’s also rocking planes that you can ride. Also, there’s my favorite part of the park; the dinosaur. It’s big and purple with room for two. The dinosaur rocks in all directions whether its face is plummeting towards the ground or its tail is hitting the chips behind us.

Fireman’s Park is a special place for people of all ages. Whether it’s the swings, walking, rocking airplane, or a game of baseball, there’s always something to keep you entertained at Firemen’s Park, and that’s why it’s a true treasure.

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