Remembering How We Met | Teen Ink

Remembering How We Met

April 21, 2015
By Anonymous

Do you remember how we met?  I remember every little detail.  So it goes like this.
I had never really saw you around much until a class we had together. It was Foods I, and the teacher was Mrs. Larson.  When you walk in the room, there are tables set up two by two, you sat at the sixth table by the Promethean board in the second chair pointed towards the computer. 
Mrs. Larson opened the class with the impression of we had to get into food groups.  She had to pick them for us. She then happened to call off mine, yours, Connor’s and Hope’s name off, and we had to sit with our groups that she had called off.  I was so scared to be with you and Connor. Just because, it was with people I had never met before, and it was two guys.  It was weird and you know the old saying, ‘guys have cooties’ well, basically that’s what I thought.  Mind you I was a freshman at that time. It was scary being with upperclassmen as well as being with two guys. With all these scary thoughts that were going through my head.  I was very shy at first and wouldn’t exactly talk. Thank God, Connor broke the ice for all of us. He dove right into leading the group, but he started talking about what we should call our group.  He looked at me for an idea and that’s when I said “I have no idea.” and I let out a little chuckle and then shot Hope a look of, what should we call the group? She was completely quiet.  She had no idea what to call the group either.
Eventually, Connor said, “Okay Cooks, let’s get started.” So basically we were “The Cooks”. 
After that, Mrs. Larson started lecturing about different topics we would be doing in the groups that we were in. The thoughts that were going through my head were kind of funny.
I was thinking of crazy thoughts like, “Oh what if I say the wrong thing?” “What if I don’t talk during the whole time I’m with you guys?” “Will they think I’m weird?” Or “Should I talk?” Or will they think “I’m too much of a talker?”
After all those scary thoughts, I finally said to myself, “Do something or say something and not care what they think.” So that’s exactly what I did.  I stepped out of my comfort zone and talked to Connor at first, which wasn’t so bad after all.  He was really outgoing and not really afraid to say what he needed or wanted.  You on the other hand, I could tell was a little shy at first too, but after Connor started talking.
I think you were like (in your head), “Oh yeah I could do this I can, talk these people are fine.”
You started talking about a half hour later.  It wasn’t exactly directed towards me though. It was more towards Connor. You guys started talking about the Golf Course and how you would break a lot of equipment at the Golf Course. It was just about everything you touch. Then what really broke through to all of us was, Connor. Started talking about how you ran over his foot with a tiller and it was really bad, but we all laughed at that. That was basically the topic for every day. For about a week and even sometimes during the middle of class that topic would come up. You or Connor would bring up at the weirdest moments. It was so funny.
I had said something along the lines of, “How did you manage that?”
That’s when we had our first conversation. We hit it off from there. I’d basically laugh at anything you would say from that day on to even now I laugh a lot, but that class brought us together to be friends. The one day we were cooking together, we were working on our Mexican food brochure together.
I had said, “Can I see your phone?”
You said, “Sure!”
So I went to go look through your pictures but you had nothing. I acted like I was still going through your pictures but I had put my number in your phone, I thought it was really clever, and then the next day
You had come to class the next day saying “Hey Shawna, how did your number end up in my phone?
” I said, “Ha-ha I put it there when I was “going through” your pictures, Clever right?”
You had said, “Actually that was really clever!”
Then we started texting, we were best buds after that. Ever since then we have literally been hanging out all the time. You are my best friend and we have a blast when we are together.
Our friendship had hit a little bump in the friendship road. We didn’t really talk to each other as much as we used to, I think it was at the end of the school year. During the summer was awful, but then we somehow got over it and were friends again.
When school started up again. You are now a senior and I am a sophomore. We literally hung out every day after Fall Fest. You would come over to my house all the time and we would play games or sit and talk all the time. Sometimes we would go to the movies or go to Walmart.
After we got more comfortable with each other we would go on shopping trips together to Woodbury. We would have a splendid time together. We had designated weekends to us hanging out and we didn’t really not hang out. Aside from that.
Have I told you are literally my best friend yet? 
The one that I can go to for anything, the one where I can call 24/7 and no matter what you would be doing you would drop everything to be with me or to comfort me. If I needed a favor you would come do it for me. The friendship just doesn’t work unless both of the people are trying. As you are my go to friend the one that is there for me all the time.  I am also there for you when needed, as needed and if needed. I would also go and drop everything. If you needed a friend to be there to either just talk to, comfort you, and want to watch a TV show with someone, I am always there for you. I am always open to you 24/7.
The way we met was really intriguing to me because, usually I don’t make friends and keep them forever. Like I have with you. Sometimes I will make friends then soon as the class is over, we wouldn’t talk to each other outside of class. We connected. It’s like it was God’s way of saying we were destine to be friends and to stay friends.
We have made it this far and stuck through two years of being with each other. Between all the, getting irritated, loved, hated, annoyed, and going through a day without punching each other, I’d like to go for a few more years of being friends.

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