The Bright Side of Being Single | Teen Ink

The Bright Side of Being Single

April 4, 2015
By Anna.R BRONZE, Round Rock, Texas
Anna.R BRONZE, Round Rock, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hurt me with the truth but never comfort me with a lie."
-Hiro Mashima (Manga author)

It's that time of the year again. That time of the year where love just seems to be springing up no matter where you look. Couples are popping up like daises all around you and even more of your friends, relatives, acquaintances, and siblings are advancing in their personal relationships. But despite this being the season where "Love is in the Air", you're stuck sitting here, reading this article and continuing to be hopelessly single. Your friends try to comfort you with the generic "You just haven't found the right person yet" and "These things just take time" talks, but we all know that those "comforting" talks do nothing but bring you down even more.

But instead of digging an even deeper hole for yourself to bury yourself in, allow me to shine a little bit of light into your dark cavern of sorrows. Being single is amazing! You don't have to worry about who's instagram picture you like, who you hang out with in fear of sparking the jealously of your significant other, and best of all (at least in my opinion), you can check out any "nice face" you happen to come across without feeling guilty!

If you're currently in a relationship and reading this article, you're probably rolling on the floor laughing at our problems (or feeling bad for us but either way...), but if you're single and honestly couldn't care less about obtaining a relationship, you're probably laughing so hard that your parents, siblings, room-mate, or anyone that lives fairly close to you came into your room to check if you're having a seizure. Well if you're part of either of those groups, I'd firstly like to ask why you're even reading this article, and second I'd like to say that we're hopelessly single people, no matter how envious of you guys we are, look up to you and admire you. So next time a single person comes up to you and starts ranting about how you're "rubbing your relationship in your face", just pat them on the head and tell them that being single is an important part of their life, so they should cherish it.

So to all you despairing single people out there reading this, if you ever happen to find yourself sitting down, reading articles about personal relationships on your electrical device of choice while pitying yourself, just remember that life is bound to change; whether for the better or worse, I don't know. But either way, you should value and love the way you are right now because you're life is bound to change on this crazy roller coaster that we dubbed as "Life". So live on single people! And show your pride loud and proud void of shame!

The author's comments:

I'm as single as the last piece of broccoli on a five year old's plate, and I'm planning on maintaining this relationship status until I start studying a higher form of education. I hope that people who read this piece will understand that it's okay to be single, and that being single is an important part of growing and developing as a human in today's modern society.

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