Love Is Like a Rose | Teen Ink

Love Is Like a Rose

March 20, 2015
By mirflo SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
mirflo SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

According to love is defined as a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.  I see love like a rose, the petals are beautiful and can brighten your day, but the thorns can hurt you. The people or things I love most would be my dad, and my mom. These two people have a unique and special impact on me that I love so much.

My dad and I were born on the same day, which I find the most special thing about him and I. I am like my dad’s shadow. Growing up I would always follow him around doing everything he did. Weather it would be helping in the garden, helping him make cabinets in his shop, to going hunting on cold crisp nights looking for the raccoons shining eyes up in the trees. As I was growing up and becoming a young adult my dad and I have been through a lot of ups and downs together. My dad and get along pretty good but when we have disagreements and get mad at each other some how we can’t stay mad each other for very long. I guess that is because I love him too much to think I can’t live with out him in my life.

My mom and me look a lot alike which I find the most unique thing about her and I. As I grow up each and everyday people say I look more and more like my mom. My mom died when I was eleven. She had been battling cancer for a good two years before dying. I remember the day like it was yesterday the day we found out she had cancer. While she was battling cancer I always believed that she would pull through and beat cancers butt. I could just never accept that she could die so young she made such and impact on others that it just wasn’t her time to leave us. Sadly on May 5, 2011 I was forced to say “goodbye.”  I never got to say goodbye before she took her last breath because I was at school. Even though I didn’t get to say goodbye one last time, I can still look back at all the memories and fun times we had. Although she died I know that I can still tell her I love her because she is now watching over me as my guardian angle.

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