The Bad, the Ugly, & the Good. | Teen Ink

The Bad, the Ugly, & the Good.

February 14, 2015
By vlbcx BRONZE, East Boston, Massachusetts
vlbcx BRONZE, East Boston, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is no good in a situation, until the end of it. It always seems that way. We go through a bad situation, and the first thing to come to mind is, "Why the hell is this happening to me?" We don't understand what the good can come out of this. At least that is what I thought...

It has been snowing a whole ton and because of it, there has not been school in a few days. I was going crazy being inside for so long. It was a Tuesday when I went insane. Well, not literally. Let me explain. Until now I realize it was because it was the day before my period arrived and that is when I get extra emotional and all that girl stuff. I thought I was getting depressed, but it was just my period.

Anyways, I was sad and moody that day for some reason. I would respond all bratty like to everyone. Next thing you know, I'm thinking about school, and I wanted to cry because I was going back the next day. I don't mind school except for the students. There is one particular class I dreaded every single day I had school. All because of one reason: the students. Two students to be exact. Why, you may ask? They used to bully me. In middle school, I was picked on a lot by them. I mean, there was a group of them, but those two were the worst, and they were like the "boss," you know? They would call me names, make fun of me, take my things, etc. Funny thing is, I never told anyone about it. I was always silent. I just felt like it was not worth telling anyone about it. Then I got to high school, and the second year, I get them both in my class. At first I thought it would be alright. We're in high school, we are mature now, right? Wrong.

It was just me they bullied. No one else. I do not understand it. I think because I was silent for so many years, they took advantage of it so they felt like if they kept doing it nothing would happen. They did not exactly bully me. They made me uncomfortable. Every single time one of them said a word to me, I'd turn red as a tomato and start getting nervous and sweaty. They saw that so they loved to watch me squirm and get all uncomfortable. One day in particular that never leaves my mind is when we were sitting in class, and one of the guys turns around (he sat right in front of me) and he talks to his friend which was beside me, and I guess they were whispering crap to each other. All of a sudden, he looks at me and starts dying of laughter. He was looking at my hair. I had made braids the night before and let them out the next morning and it was big and really curly. I guess he thought I looked hilarious because he kept turning around and laughing in my face. That's the worst feeling. Being laughed at in front of my face. I tried so hard not to cry in front of everyone. I couldn't take it anymore.

I was not sure if that was considered bullying. I am always hearing about these awful stories of bullying, and they are always so extreme. I did not think that the little things I was facing was bullying. I now know, it is. No matter how small or how big it is, if it is hurting you, and people are purposely trying to hurt you, it is bullying. It just took me a long time to realize it.

It got to the point where I didn't want to go to school because I was afraid they would laugh at me, talk to me, or even just look at me. I still wouldn't tell anyone. Until Tuesday. I broke down in front of my mom and told her everything. The first thing she said was that she wanted to tell my dad and that was the last thing I wanted to hear. I knew he would go to the school and talk to the principle. I didn't want that, and I was terrified. What if they come up to me and bullied me more? What if they still do not stop? I even thought that one of the guy's girlfriend would come up to me and yell at me or something for telling on her guy. I was going crazy, pleading my mom to not tell him.

She did it anyway, and my dad talked to me and gave encouraging advice about how everything will be okay. I slept for two hours that day. I was a nervous wreck, and I mean seriously. I was shaking so badly, my eyes were red, my face pale, and my voice was shaky. We went to school and I explained everything to them. I let everything out that day. It was the most relieving feeling in the world, to let out something I never knew was hurting me so much. I shared my experiences, my thoughts, and my worries. The man made me write down the names of the guys, which terrified me. He began to talk to me and give me reassurance. He gave me advice and talked to me about never holding something in like that for so long. They switched out my class and that was that. I learned a lot that day.

The next day came and I was nervous all over again. I thought one of the guys would come up to me and say something. They never did. I still thought his girlfriend would come up to me. She never did. I thought I would hate the new class I had. I didn't. It was great. I had a decent day. Today is Friday and I had such an amazing day. I don't have to see them again. I don't have to worry every day. I don't have to be afraid. I even got closer to my dad, because after the whole experience we talked for quite a bit about everything in life. I never was that close with my dad and this situation brought us closer. I thought nothing was going to come out of this situation and it will end up horrible. It didn't, and it turned out great! This is the good. The good in the situations we all think would not have one.

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