My Adventure | Teen Ink

My Adventure

December 15, 2014
By abbyeich1 BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
abbyeich1 BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all” (“Helen”). This quote by Helen Keller relates to a time I have experienced adventure. I think this quote is true because your whole life is an adventure. The biggest obstacle I have overcome is moving from Plainfield Illinois to Olney Illinois.

Plainfield is a suburb outside of Chicago. Olney is a town in the middle of nowhere. I had to leave the friends I grew up with to start a new adventure in my life. Although it was hard to leave so many friends, I overcame this by making new friends. I joined cheerleading to get involved with the school and interact with new people.
When I moved I had to leave the adventure I was already in to start a new one. I had to say goodbye to the house I grew up in. That house contained many childhood memories. I overcame this by getting a new house in Olney that I liked even better than my old one.

To make matters worse, the bank my dad was soon to be working for told my family that we needed to move as soon as possible. My family moved on my birthday, December 20th last year. Moving on my birthday was quite an adventure. Although it was a sad birthday, it was also an exciting one. My family and I overcame the move by keeping our minds open.

Moving was an obstacle, but it changed me as a person. If I had not moved I would have never met the friends I have now. The memories I have made in Olney are special to me, I would not change them for the world. I learn something new everyday and I’m glad to continue this new adventure in my life.

Works Cited
"Helen Keller Quotes." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2014.

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