Running | Teen Ink


November 14, 2014
By KaitoKid98 SILVER, Hampden, Maine
KaitoKid98 SILVER, Hampden, Maine
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. ~MLKJ

Are you sure, they ask, are you positive? I nod my head slowly, words can't come out anymore. They smile gently, but with a troubled look in their eyes. They know I'm lying.
They try to change my mind but I've become incorrigible, adamant. They know I'm lying, but they eventually leave.
And I'm again, left alone, running for life.
Life has me on a leash. Tethered to my troubles, beating me with a whip, pushing my body to the brink of death, even though I'm still running.
Yes, I've been told that the Earth is always beautiful, but I can only see it in the winter. I can only see it in the cold relaxing beauty that the winter snow brings.
That's when I'm allowed to stop running.

The author's comments:

I love winter. It is so relaxing and beautiful and serene and the snow fills my heart with joy. I only truly relax in winter. 

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