Proud to be an American | Teen Ink

Proud to be an American

November 7, 2014
By lasne GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
lasne GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
dont worry be happy

Since America began, there have been many technological discoveries/advances from the first computer to the UHDTV.  America is  paving a road into the age of technology. Technology is everywhere and will always be advancing. When the first computer was created, with a monitor, that wasn’t enough.  We wanted more so we started making video games and so began the multi-million dollar business that put us in the age of technology.
The first videogame was Pong.  It was the greatest discovery ever made. Then it began, other companies started making video games, but there was only one problem, they weren't good, just blocks that move up and down. Eventually the Atari came out and we thought the graphics were amazing at the time.

Then the video game crash happened that almost got rid of video game for good it hurt it so bad that they buried 10 million copies of games, then it happened, the nintendo and super mario  which save video games and made them what they are today. after then nintendo many other companies started to take off like sony and microsoft.

when sony made the ps1 it changed everything about video games the game was 3 dimensional than ever unlike the 2 dimensional characters on the nintendo the ps1 allowed you to have more freedom than ever before, it allowed you to make your own choices and decide what you wanted to do. that’s why i'm proud to be an american

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