Missing Artist | Teen Ink

Missing Artist

October 30, 2014
By jsander33 BRONZE, Sylvania, Ohio
jsander33 BRONZE, Sylvania, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Color me white. Without my sister, I’m a blank canvas seeking color. I know she is living her dream and fulfilling herself, but I still find it hard to accept that she is further than ever. My sister splashed me with hope, even on our worst days. Yet, this distance has left me white.

Over the summer, as one packed box became became 2, I found my colors disappearing, leaving me empty inside.  None of this had struck me till we said our last goodbyes and I knew it was really happened. Who would I talk to? Who would I look up to and know was always there? Who would turn my blank canvas into a masterpiece when my colors were fading? While I am loved by plenty of others, no one can paint me the perfect shades and strokes as she can.

I know my sister loves me, and wishes she could be here with me to take me out to ice cream and be with me. Knowing that, I am learning to paint myself. She has taught me how to work hard and strive further than I could imagine, even though she may not realize it. She’s my muse to success and who I want to be. But without her, I would be left white right now, but slowly I am learning to pick up my paint brushes and make my canvas a rainbow.

The author's comments:

This was a class assignment written after my sister left for college.

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