Our Generation | Teen Ink

Our Generation

October 29, 2014
By vvieira98 BRONZE, Coquitlam, Other
vvieira98 BRONZE, Coquitlam, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We are the generation of the selfie. Of makeup and exercise clothes worn daily, of every moment documented on our shiny new cell phones. But delete the bad photos, please and thank you, my arm looks so fat in that one, don’t you dare show anyone. We are the generation of boy bands and music our parents hate, music we dance alone in our bedrooms to. We don’t really and truly dance at parties though, of course not, why would we do such a thing? We wouldn’t want to embarrass ourselves.

Maybe we are too reliant on technology. Maybe we are spending too much time taking photos of ourselves and our friends and only keeping the most flattering angles that show off our lives as better than they truly are. Maybe we shouldn’t focus on what so-and-so posted on Instagram or Facebook, or how many “likes” it got.

But we are also the generation of the supermodel. Of Photoshop and glossy magazine pages plastered with perfect teeth and perfect hair and perfect skin and how does she do her makeup like that? We are the generation of HD and 1080p, of every flaw exposed for all to see. Of YouTube video tutorials showing us how to look just like our favourite celebrity, as long as you spend as much time on yourself as you do at school.

So maybe we are the generation of the selfie, and parties that go on a little too long. But why are we being told to usher our youth out the door? Doesn’t everyone wish for just a little bit longer, just one more day, oh wouldn’t it be something to be back in high school.

Well we are in high school. And we are the future. So if you think we’re spending too much time in front of the mirror then you should be smiling, not chastising, because without the confidence we give ourselves and others where will we be in 10 years? We’re told to love ourselves no matter what, and we’ve decided the best way to show that is smiling into a camera and sending it out for everyone to see. To see and compare to over-edited superstars, but we’re learning not to care.

We are adapting. And it’s survival of the fittest.

The author's comments:

We must stop judging one another, and refuse to accept judgement from those who don't understand.

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