The Night We Spent Together | Teen Ink

The Night We Spent Together

October 27, 2014
By ACasa24 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
ACasa24 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.
- Marilyn Monroe

The dark shadow of a large tree and a cold breeze kept me company while I was waiting in the dark shadow of night for his arrival. On a chilly November night, I stood there in the middle of the field impatiently waiting. Minutes went by and every second had me more and more on edge. I listened closely to the sounds coming from beyond the trees. Hearing the sound of a twig snapping in half under a deer’s hoof startled me as the leaves blew in the wind. Everything went quiet as if nature was listening to me as well; then the arid leaves crumble as if someone was walking through them. I went up to the edge of the grass were the lines of trees meet the property to see if it was him, suddenly a dark shadow started walking towards me. The shadow started to take the form of a man as it came out from behind the trees. There he stood face to face with me and his breathe pulsed warmth on my forehead as he looked down at me. Ethan has arrived

He stood tall at 6 foot 1 inch with big brown eyes that lay symmetrical with each other on his face were glowing like two big giant marbles. His nose was perfectly centered in the middle of his face, and his lips were plumped and red as if he had just eaten a red juicy cherry. His hair was as dark as night and his skin still held the tan from the summer. He was as built as one of the models on the cologne commercials. He had working hands but a soft touch.  He was mine. He was the only person I trusted. Ethan was everything to me; he was my best friend.

I thought to myself, Ethan came to see me like he had promised. Promises, that word kept fluttering through my mind; we all make them, but not all of us keep them. He did; he kept his promise. I realized that I was standing there looking at him in a deep thoughts and minutes had, and it was time to leave. I felt nervous and scared; I was not ready. Ethan saw that I was nervous, so he put his hand on my shoulder and leaned close to my ear and whispered to me, “You will be safe. You can trust me.”

I told him, “What if something happens? What if we get caught?”

He smiled at me and gave a chuckle and said, “Then it will just be another page to write about in our adventure book.”  I felt relief come over me then, and I looked up at him with a smile in agreement.

We set off on our adventure into the woods. We came across a small creek, and Ethan looked at me and said, “Take my hand.” We counted to three for our running start and jumped over the creek, barely making it by inch.  We played on the dirt path and climbed up the tree as far as we could go. Ethan and I sat high on top of trees peering down at the world as if we were bigger than earth itself.  He and I stayed in the trees until we heard the cry of a coyote come from the east side of the trees. Afterwards, the smell of a morbid decaying body of an animal rotting away interfered with our pleasant adventure, and we decided to leave the woods all together.

The two of us walked leisurely on the side of the ditch near the road until we came across an abandon house that had cracks on the porch and holes in the windows. The siding was peeling off and the paint was faded.  Because of our curiosity, we decided to take a look inside.  The house was a small ranch house, but inside was bigger than we expected. Inside, the walls had holes on about every wall. Ethan took a step, and the wooden floorboards beneath his feet creeked. A scratching sound coming from the other side of the wall, so we turned the corner to see what it was and out came a raccoon that ran out the door. We then knew nature had taken over the house.  We walked deeper into the house and opened up a door and entered.

  There were old newspaper clippings and dolls that had been left to be forgotten. I picked up an old doll that wore a purple polka dot dress that was worn down; however, the doll had once been aesthetic. I looked contently to the doll as if it was telling a story and I could hear the words it was saying.  It told stories of the little girl who played with it including how they would dance every night and drink tea in the mornings. I peered at Ethan who was reading one of the old newspaper clippings, and he looked back at me and smiled. Ethan told me that we should find something to do; so I set the doll down, so the next explorer could hear her tales.

It was time to leave the house, so we walked out the door and started to walk again. Ethan and I started talking about our futures and what we planned to do and did not notice that we had wandered off our path and ended up in an open field. Ethan tapped me and ran off, and the race was on. We ran through the field, playing tag and rolling in the grass blades. “I am right behind you,” he said while running up towards me. He picked me up and spun me around in a circle over and over again till we were too dizzy to walk and fell on the soft grass underneath us.  We laughed and told stories as we lay on the bed of grass, looking up at the moon.

I pointed at the sky and was trying to tell a story: “One day I want to be as bright as the northern star.”  But out of the corner of my eye, I could see that he was not listening and was staring at me. I stopped talking and looked at him, and we peered into each other’s eyes.  I smiled and said, “Why are you looking at me?”

He replied, “Because I love looking at you. You’re the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I want to spend every day with you for the rest of our lives.”

I blushed and gave out a little giggle and replied back with, “What about when we are not able to be together?”
He looked up at the sky with a deep look on his face trying to figure out what to say next; then his face brighten up and looked at me and said, “Look up at the moon every night before you go to bed, and I will do the same. It will be as if we are looking up at the moon together.” Amazed and surprised by his answer, I smiled back, and he said, “Talk to the moon as if it were me, and I will be able to hear you.”  He mesmerized me by his words, and I gave him a big hug. We sat up, and he started to sing to me. I chuckled a little because I never expected him to sound as good as he did.

My smile began to fade as I realized it was getting light out which meant it was time to go home. He looked at me and knew I was worried when I would see him again. He told me to remember just look at the moon and he will be there looking back. Ethan and I stood up and began our walk back from which we came. He picked me up and carried me all the way back home because my feet were too tired. We made it back safe and sound like he told me we would. Sad that the night had to end I told him, “I don’t want you to leave, and I don’t want this night to end.” He smiled and said, “There will be many more.” He gave me one last smile, and I smiled back and watched as he departed.

I walked back to my house and crawled under my warm blanket, trying to get my feet to warm up. I was exhausted from the night and ready to go to sleep, but I was unable. I kept thinking about the fantastic adventure we had. I remembered how his eyes shimmered in the light of the moon. The feeling of love came over me and spread through my body like little lighting bolts. I thought to myself, Will he think about me? Does he feel loved too? I talked to the moon that night asking it these questions. I believe he will think about me and does feel the same way. My nerves finally calmed, and I was able to fall to sleep. I will never forget the day I fell for him. This was only the start of our adventure into love.

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