If There Was a God I Still Wouldn't Follow Him | Teen Ink

If There Was a God I Still Wouldn't Follow Him

October 22, 2014
By RobertB BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
RobertB BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I never believe the devil was real but God couldn't someone as filthy as you

Another horrific vision forcefully enters my mind as it does every day as I begin to day dream. My time has past and I had died on my death bed, preferably in my late eighties but with my usual luck it'll be in my fifties getting shot by some security guard while I'm trying to stab the newest pop star for coming out with their next song about booty guest starring the newest white rapper in more chains then he can count (which isn't that high anyways).
Anyways, I had gone out the way I intended too. No regrets. The time has past and I was OK with that but for some reason I wasn't gone. I stood at some sort of pearly gates. But they were definitely not heaven's. It was the judgment hall gates.
I push them open and enter the golden building glistening with rays of light from all different angles. Yes to further the little image in your head lets say the grounds made of clouds.
The doors of the Judgment hall fling open as if awaiting my presence. I alone stood there above a tall judge's platform. Of course, there stood the almighty god. There he was the one and only, he had his beard, his sandals, his evil eyes that ignored the Holocaust but will glare into a gay man's soul with anger as he threatens to smite him.
The all powerful cosmic Jewish zombie we call god says nothing but just stares into my soul. It must have taken awhile considering its blacker then a smokers lungs. Finally he speaks.
“Do you regret anything?,” says our shepherd in his deep voice.
I look back at this so called god. Anger rushes through my veins. In a slow hesitant voice I say, “ No 'god' I don't regret a thing. I do not regret bringing my satanic bible to Christian classes to scare
students. I do not regret listening to the notorious Marilyn Manson before bed. I do not regret befriending the gay kid at my high school. I certainly do not regret being an atheist. Because whether your real or not I will still not follow you”
I always over think things, which is why it was hard for me to become an Atheist. I was always horrified at the thought of that slim chance of this divine creature actually existing and I would be sentenced to eternity in the burning pits of hell.
But this over thinking also lead to the realization: Why would I follow a God that damns us with sin because a woman wanted wisdom? Why would I follow a God that makes someone with a certain sexuality and then hates them for that same reason? Why would I follow a God that defies all of Science?
Now my mind will rest in peace since I've come to the conclusion that whether this God is real or not I'll be pleased with my fate.

The author's comments:

My thoughts on Atheism and the fear of the slight chance there is a God out there

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This article has 2 comments.

Leson88 said...
on Oct. 24 2014 at 11:59 am
Leson88, Wilmington, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
A very unique topic!

on Oct. 24 2014 at 11:20 am
SophieLoffie GOLD, Wilmington, Massachusetts
17 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive."
-John Green; Looking For Alaska

very insightful!