What it Means to Write | Teen Ink

What it Means to Write

October 16, 2014
By BriAnn Larson BRONZE, Holly Hill, Florida
BriAnn Larson BRONZE, Holly Hill, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I felt at this moment I could write a poem. The ideas in my head all running around in my head along with my thoughts, and the ones I catch are written down on paper. These could be the most valuable catches or the most stupid; but for me, they’re most valuable because I’m taking them from my mind to paper so other could read what I think, what I want to say, and who I am.

I express myself two ways; through my through my words on paper, which are two completely different worlds, because one is said and one is written. The ones on paper can be seen and read over and over again. Through words read, the reader can what I express and why I put which word where, and where each word goes perfectly with the other, like they’re a string of beads one after the other, and like a married couple; they’re inseparable, and go together because they are meant to be, side by side.

But, what’s most important is not just what the words read, but what’s on the inside; what they represent, how they make a person feel,  how the make someone think about it, and if they think about it longer than it took someone to write it. It’s one thing to get someone to think about it, and another to think about it more than once. Those are the great writers that get remembered.

Words mean everything. A voice to express something on a thin white sheet of paper. You can represent something larger than the world itself through words written. In perfect syllables that give meaning and describe life. Writing can be so powerful that if a book was burned, it’d still be here. It was still written, it’s still known or ingrained in the mind, and never becomes obsolete; ever.

Being a writer is the best thing in the world. You could transform ideas and thoughts into a story or just a few sentences for others to know or know about themselves. They can relate or disagree, Some will read and know how you feel, others will read to learn, but one thing always true is the writing can make people happy, sad, mad, torn, and understanding. 

I just want to write a million books and want at least one to be read and remembered. Let someone understand and feel my words and phrases seep into their minds that they’ll remember. They’ll read every word as it flows together so they can understand me and understand their self. When they remember it, they’ll think about it longer than it took me to write it. Nothing means more to me to writing than to have a second thought, or something to last forever.  

The author's comments:

I was just sitting in Burger King before going to work and it just hit me for something to write. I hope you enjoy and understand what and why I'm writing. Thank you. 

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