Is There a Cause Truly Worth Fighting For? | Teen Ink

Is There a Cause Truly Worth Fighting For?

October 12, 2014
By X-WhiteRose-X GOLD, Brashear, Missouri
X-WhiteRose-X GOLD, Brashear, Missouri
11 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid."

-Albert Einstein

Is there a cause truly worth fighting for? Yes, as I've been told before one of the only causes worth fighting for is a lost cause. The lost causes are the ones that have little to no hope left in them. The ones you fight for even when you already know the outcome. I believe this is worth fighitng for because as hopeless as any situation seems there is always a little ray of light in the storm.

You should always fight for even the most hopeless causes because who knows, maybe you can change the outcome. When my Grandma was diagnosed with cancer we were devastated. But we all fought for her, and we fought with her. We did all we could to make her okay. When we heard she had months to live because her liver was shutting down we still fought. We did everything we could. Even though she died our efforts bought her a few more months. Even though we knew the outcome, some good things had come from our fight. I got my bestfriend for a few more months, she isn't in pain anymore, and she is with my Grandpa. We need to fight for even the most hopeless causes.

The baby born three months too early who everyone thought was going to die, but is now a healthy girl with good grades and a social life. The six year old diagnosed with cancer who had to get shots and treatments everyday and lost all his hair, his hair has grown back and he is a healthy, happy teenager. The middle aged man that was in a car crash who the doctors said would never make it, now celebrates another birthday with his kids and wife. The teenager hurt by a drunk driver who they told would never walk again, who now walks to school everday. And in my own case, the little girl with an eye condition who they thought would never be able to read, and if she did, she would be slow or in tutoring classes. She now reads above her grade level and is in the process of writing a book.

Nothing is hopeless. The most important cause to fight for is the hopeless and lost causes. As hard as it is sometimes, imagine if you didn't fight for it but instead gave up on it. None of these people would be where they are today, including me. If everyone hadn't bothered to fight for these people there would be more people in the world dead or handicapped. But because people chose to fight for them, they were allowed a chance, allowed to become something everyone said they weren't able to become. Lost causes get their outcome changed everday just because someone tried, and refused to give up. So next time you want to give up when it seems hopeless think about it, are you willing to give someone a chance?

The author's comments:

Nothing is hopeless. Don't give up, keep trying. You may change somones life.

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