A [sea] Salty first kiss at Sweet 16. | Teen Ink

A [sea] Salty first kiss at Sweet 16.

September 29, 2014
By Anonymous

We played in the ice cold sea, and ran in and out of the riptides and crashing waves. We found ourselves at the shore once more ankle deep in the salty Pacific see in the sparkling Sands at Seaside, Oregon.

"Hey, are you cold?" I asked chuckling looking at him, let's call him Key (alias name). "Just just a little bit..." he said smiling and shivering.  Aw, Key... I thought. I went into hug him thinking that it would just be a short quick hug.
He took me in and snuggled his head in to my salty hair and we embraced for what seemed like little infinity.

I should have been closing my eyes, but I was just in shock over the fact that :
1) I was hugging a guy who was shirtless, lean muscular guy and was 6 inches taller than me and I would say pretty attractive. 
2) I realized that this was a huge turning point in my life, and I was really scared of moving into it. I just didn't know if I'm ready to date if I was ready to let a guy know that I liked him this much. and we have the most amazing conversations ever whether it's about world peace philosophy sports school college I just love it and I'm really glad that he likes me too.

The waves crashed in the distance and the beach was especially peppered with tourists on this 91F day, but it felt so quiet and serene.

I looked up, and our eyes met in a locking gaze. Suddenly, I knew I was ready. And we both went in for a kiss so salty and maybe not experienced. But most definitely sweet.

We pull back and I say to him, just relax. And he does. And it's better.
"Your first?" He says, Light grey blue eyes glowing with his smile.
"Yeah..." I respond, returning a sweet sheepish smile.
"Haha, mine too."  He chuckles.
"I just want to make sure we'll take this really slow." I say cautiously.
"Anything you want, Bianca." He says smiling, and respectfully.
"Thanks Key..." I reply with relief, explaining my guy troubles.

And we just go away from the beach  and contribute talking for the rest of the time from 2:30 to 8:30 without stopping, and snuggling on the bus seat. It's just so perfect and so natural... Except for that one hour we did homework hard core (we're nerds of course)

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