Struggle Leads to a Happy Ending | Teen Ink

Struggle Leads to a Happy Ending

September 21, 2014
By Riley12 SILVER, Lakewood, Ohio
Riley12 SILVER, Lakewood, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
If we have souls, they are bounded by love, dimmed by time, and lost by death

   There is a quote by Napoleon Hill, “strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” Lately though, I feel people are losing their strength in relationships and with love. what I mean by that is more people are giving up, their effort completely gone. And because of this, children are suffering too. I know personally, when I found out my father cheated on my mother, I was in a state of shock and disbelief. For days, I didn’t believe what was happening. Once I finally got out of my shock, I cried quite a bit. At the end of the day I would come home and I cried, and cried, and cried. I even blamed myself for little mistakes I made and thought it was my fault that dad was leaving. I was full of anger and depression, and what hurt more was that I felt more alone than ever. I didn’t have anyone to talk about it, for goodness sake, my mom was in the deepest depression I have ever seen in anyone. Divorce hurts children a lot more then people really think, or consider.
   The talk of small children in this article really reminds me of my little brother. He was 5 when my parents got divorced. When we are with my dad, every once in a while he asks, “when are you and mom getting back together dad?”. And then he will tell my mom, “I miss daddy in the house.” It really is the saddest thing. Although I am the oldest, and feel I am most emotional about it, I pity my brother because he has no idea why one day, our dad, his only male figure, left. And he won’t know for a long long time. My sister was 10 when my parents divorced. Since she is the middle child, she tends to be very quiet about her emotions, and doesn’t let that much information on how she feels out. It worries me because one day, she might lose it. My mom and I have tried multiple times to get her to talk, but that just is not going to happen with her. She is too stubborn. I can tell though, she has a lot of sadness, even if she does love the attention from my step mom.
   I really think that people need to think before they act. I think communicating is a huge part of any relationship. If you have a problem, you should work it out. Any generation can help fix this family crisis we have. There are so many broken families, and it just makes me sad to see how upset these kids are that their parents aren't together. Even if they don’t say anything or mention that they are unhappy, deep down I believe every divorced child is a little bit. Love is a very precious thing, but the trick is figuring out how to keep it together, even when we start to break down and let go. Marriages aren't easy, but if we can take the time to keep putting in effort through the struggle, the outcome is beautiful. If you are considering divorce, decide if theres a way to fix it before you do that to your children.

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This article has 2 comments.

Riley12 SILVER said...
on Sep. 24 2014 at 11:23 pm
Riley12 SILVER, Lakewood, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
If we have souls, they are bounded by love, dimmed by time, and lost by death

no that made complete sense! im glad you could connect, its really is a topic people need to think about more deeply, i agree with everything you said. 

on Sep. 24 2014 at 10:31 pm
EmilytheBelleofA. DIAMOND, Athens, Georgia
81 articles 5 photos 1486 comments

Favorite Quote:
To love is to be vulnerable; Triumph is born out of struggle; We notice shadows most when they stand alone in the midst of overwhelming light.

Definitely, one of my favorite personal experience articles. I can conncet a lot. "Divorce hurts children a lot more than people really think, or consider." I can connect to that sentence, very much. My parens are divorced and have been for 10 years. Now it's going on to 11 years. So, yeah ...   I wholeheartedly, agree with you. We are the children of the divorced generation. We grew up ina world of shattered promises and hurt. But that doesn't mean that there's no hope.    Mariages aren't easy; they weren't meant to be. Anything worthwhile isn't easy. People should see that if just try, that something good comes out of it. I don't know if any of this makes sense, but anways. Sorry for the very, long comment. You really have a lot of talent and greatness in you; please believe it, because you do. Thank you so much, so much for sharing this.