A Little Big Difference | Teen Ink

A Little Big Difference

July 4, 2014
By becbobec BRONZE, Shavertown, Pennsylvania
becbobec BRONZE, Shavertown, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Maybe our mistakes are what make our fate." - Sarah Jessica Parker

There is one feeling you can’t exactly hold back. It’s something that you never want to experience. Feeling helpless can make you angry and aggravated. I usually go through the phase of being helpless when I see hungry people, homeless people, or any person or thing that is actually helpless. These people go through years of agony sitting on a curb watching other bystanders laugh as they enter and exit restaurants. Although it is impossible to cure the helplessness of these unfortunate people, it should be our duty to never be helpless. If your community needs support roll out of bed and cheer them on!

That is exactly what my job is. I have been in student government since fifth grade. In your eighth grade year, if you get voted in, you become a white/blue team leader. In this opportunity you lead your team into tasks to help and make the community a better place. This year I was voted in! I went to many events last year so learning from experience I knew exactly what to do. I might not be able to buy houses for unfortunate bystanders, but I could feed them by collected cans of food. I could keep them warm, by collecting mittens and blankets. Although it is not only myself in this, my whole team is committed to this job.

You might have to sacrifice your “desperate” need to shop at the mall. Desperate can be denied but helplessness can’t. It demands to be felt. No one chooses to be helpless at all. If the best thing you did one day was hold the door for an elderly couple that is great. Never complain that you didn’t do enough after all, if you made someone smile your doing a pretty great job. “True happiness only comes by making others happy,” states David O Mckay. I truly believe in this quote because of my own experience, get out there and make someone smile!

The author's comments:
People might not think what I can do is not important. They have not experienced what I have. I hope one day everyone would think about each other and help each other.

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