June 24, 2014
By Bakhtawar SILVER, Kota, Other
Bakhtawar SILVER, Kota, Other
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First of all as a beginner I’d like to tell my readers about the city of Kota, which influences my work on a very large scale. Kota is one of the most famous cities in Rajasthan (India).
On the banks of the river ‘Chambal’, Kota is well known for its coaching and career institutes for IIT-JEE and AIPMT/AIIMS (well known college entrance exams of India for engineering and medicines). In fact, it is a craze over here. People from all over the country migrate to Kota just for this very reason, to get their wards admission in coaching institutes and watch them either fall and break or get successful in life. The whole air is enriched with competition, when at the hour of midnight you may see light in little windows, probably the light from the lamps that the students use to read in the dark. Yet every year you see billions of heart break, I don’t know what it takes to be an IITian but it certainly takes a lot. Every now and then you’d hear about so and so boy clearing one of these exams but the very person you saw working hard over these years to achieve the same you just close your eyes at the end because you can’t bear to see his fall, his devastation and demise. You hear just a little yell and when you open your eyes at last, all you see is a crestfallen spirit of the flamboyant person you used to know. They say that this is a part of the life, a mere phase.
I came here five years ago, in hopes of my elder brother’s success. Well never mind that incident but, surely I came to recognize myself as a citizen of Kota itself. I have to admit it was a very interesting experience for me. And that is what I want to share with my friends at teen ink. Kota an amazing city with its entire pro and cons, is a city where I found my love with literature. So let me unfold my tales, from my lovely city of Kota, Rajasthan (India).

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